subroutine drivbi (n, t0, h0, y0, tout, eps, fly, mf, indx, matp) c c this is the 2 August 2002 version of c gearbi, a package for the solution of the initial value c problem for systems of ordinary differential equations, c dy/dt = f(y,t), y = (y(1),y(2),...,y(n)). c This is the single precision version. c gearbi is a variant of the gear package. here, in the stiff case, c the jacobian matrix df/dy is treated in block form, with blocks of c size mp by mp, and mq blocks in each direction (n = mp*mq). c linear systems are solved a block-iterative (block-sor) method. c subroutine drivbi is a driver routine for the gearbi package. c c this version differs from the december 1977 version in that.. c (a) the history array, renamed yh, is in a common block /gear0/, c (b) dimensions were altered, using parameters maxp, maxq, mxaaln. c (c) error control now has ymax(i) = abs(y(i)) + fly(ip), where c ip = i(mod mp), i.e. i = ip + (iq - 1)*mp,,, c and fly is input, c (d) off-diagonal blocks are accounted for in solbi by calls to c the user-supplied routine offdi (na and ida eliminated), c (e) the sign of the scalar con used in psetbi/solbi was changed. c c reference c a. c. hindmarsh, preliminary documentation of gearbi.. solution c of ode systems with block-iterative treatment of the jacobian, c ucid-30149, lawrence livermore laboratory, p.o. box 808, c livermore, ca 94550, december 1976. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c drivbi is to be called once for each output value of t, and c in turn makes repeated calls to the core integrator, stifbi. c c the input parameters are.. c n = the number of first-order differential equations. c n must be equal to mp*mq (see matp below) c t0 = the initial value of t, the independent variable c (used only on first call). c h0 = the next step size in t (used for input only on the c first call). c y0 = a vector of length n containing the initial values of c y (used for input only on first call). c tout = the value of t at which output is desired next. c integration will normally go slightly beyond tout c and the package will interpolate to t = tout. c eps = the relative error bound (used only on the c first call, unless indx = -1). single step error c estimates divided by ymax(i) will be kept less than c eps in root-mean-square norm (i.e. euclidean norm c divided by sqrt(n) ). the vector ymax of c weights is computed in drivbi, according to.. c ymax(i) = abs(y(i)) + fly(ip), where i = ip(mod mp), c i.e. i = ip + (iq - 1)*mp,, this c gives a mixture of relative and absolute error control. c fly = an array of length mp containing floor values for y, c for purposes of error control (see above under eps). c mf = the method flag (used only on first call, unless c indx = -1). allowed values are 10, 11, 13, c 20, 21, 23. mf has two decimal digits, meth c and miter (mf = 10*meth + miter). c meth is the basic method indicator.. c meth = 1 means the adams methods. c meth = 2 means the backward differentiation c formulas (bdf), or stiff methods of gear. c miter is the iteration method indicator.. c miter = 0 means functional iteration (no partial c derivatives needed). c miter = 1 means chord method with jacobian c constructed with user-supplied routines c pdbd and aset. (see below.) c miter = 3 means chord method with jacobian replaced c by a diagonal approximation based on a c directional derivative. c indx = integer used on input to indicate type of call, c with the following values and meanings.. c 1 this is the first call for this problem. c 0 this is not the first call for this problem, c and integration is to continue. c -1 this is not the first call for the problem, c and the user has reset eps and/or mf. c 2 same as 0 except that tout is to be hit c exactly (no interpolation is done). c assumes tout .ge. the current t. c 3 same as 0 except control returns to calling c program after one step. tout is ignored. c since the normal output value of indx is 0, c it need not be reset for normal continuation. c matp = an integer vector containing structure information c about the jacobian matrix j = df/dy. j is assumed c to be in block form, with a block size of mp by mp, c and mq blocks in each direction. off-diagonal blocks c have coefficients stored in an array aa. c the individual elements of matp are as follows.. c matp(1) = mp = size of blocks in j. c matp(2) = mq = number of blocks in each direction in j. c c after the initial call, if a normal return occurred and a normal c continuation is desired, simply reset tout and call again. c all other parameters will be ready for the next call. c a change of parameters with indx = -1 can be made after c either a successful or an unsuccessful return. c c the output parameters are.. c h0 = the step size h used last, whether successfully or not. c y0 = the computed values of y at t = tout. c tout = the output value of t. if integration was successful, c and the input value of indx was not 3, tout is c unchanged from its input value. otherwise, tout c is the current value of t to which integration c has been completed. c indx = integer used on output to indicate results, c with the following values and meanings.. c 0 integration was completed to tout or beyond. c -1 the integration was halted after failing to pass the c error test even after reducing h by a factor of c 1.e10 from its initial value. c -2 after some initial success, the integration was c halted either by repeated error test failures or by c a test on eps. too much accuracy has been requested. c -3 the integration was halted after failing to achieve c corrector convergence or block-iterative convergence c even after reducing h by a factor of 1.e10 from c its initial value. see printed messages. c -4 immediate halt because of illegal values of input c parameters. see printed message. c -5 indx was -1 on input, but the desired changes of c parameters were not implemented because tout c was not beyond t. interpolation to t = tout was c performed as on a normal return. to try again, c simply call again with indx = -1 and a new tout. c c in addition to drivbi, the following routines are provided in c the package.. c interp(tout,y,n0,y0) interpolates to get the output values c at t = tout, from the data in the y array. c stifbi(yh,n0) is the core integrator routine. it performs a c single step and associated error control. c coset(meth,nq,el,tq,maxder) sets coefficients for use in c the core integrator. c psetbi(y,n0,con,miter,ier) computes and processes the jacobian c matrix of partial derivatives, j = df/dy. c solbi(b,x,con,z,ier) performs the block-iterative (block-sor) c solution of a linear system. c omega(nu) computes the block-sor overrelaxation parameter. c dec and sol solve dense linear algebraic systems. c note.. the last five routines are called only if miter = 1. c c the following routines are to be supplied by the user.. c diffun(n,t,y,ydot) computes the function ydot = f(y,t), the c right-hand side of the o.d.e. here y and ydot are c vectors of length n. c pdbd(t,yi,i,di,mp) computes the mp by mp block of the jacobian c j in the i-th diagonal block position, as a function of c t and the vector yi, which is the i-th segment of length c mp in the y vector. the block is to be stored in di with c a column length of mp. c aset(t,y,aa,mq) computes the nonzero elements in the off-diagonal c blocks of the jacobian, and stores them in aa. c the length and structure of the array aa are defined by c the user, with the length .le. the parameter mxaaln below. c if the array aa is constant, the call to aset in psetbi c should be moved to drivbi, following statement 15 below, c for maximum efficiency. c mq is passed for possible dynamic dimensioning use. c offdi(z,x,k,c,aa,mp,mq) replaces z by z + c*j(k)*x, where c z is a given vector of length mp, c x is a given vector of length n, c c is a given scalar, and c j(k) is the k-th block-row of the jacobian matrix j, c with the diagonal block removed. c that is, the nonzero off-diagonal blocks in block c positions (k,l) are to be multiplied by the l-th block c of x, and the result, multiplied by c, is to be added to z. c all needed coefficients are to be taken from aa, as set by c aset. mp and mq are passed for dynamic dimensioning. c offdi is called by solbi with k = 1,2,...,mq. c offdi should not alter x, k, c, aa, mp, or mq. c note.. if miter is not 1, pdbd, aset, and offdi are not called c and dummy routines can be substituted. c c the lengths of the common blocks below are set according to the c parameters maxp, maxq, and mxaaln, which are upper bounds on mp, mq, c and the size of aa, respectively. for larger sizes, change the c first two parameter statements below. c the second dimension of yh can be reduced, to 1 plus the maximum c order, if that maximum is reduced from 5 in coset and stifbi. c the column length of the yh array as used elsewhere is n0, not maxn. c if miter = 0, then dd, aa, and ipiv are not used. c if miter = 3, then aa and ipiv are not used, and dd need only c be of length n. c c the common block gear9 can be accessed externally by the user c if desired. it contains the following.. c hused = the step size last used (successfully). c nqused = the method order last used (successfully). c nstep = the number of steps taken for the problem so far. c nfe = the number of f evaluations for the problem so far. c nje = the number of jacobian evaluations for the problem so far. c nii = the number of inner (block-sor) iterations so far. c c in the following data statement, set.. c uround = the unit roundoff of the machine, i.e. the smallest c positive u such that 1. + u .ne. 1. on the machine. c lout = the logical unit number for the output of messages c during the integration. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- parameter (maxp = 2, maxq = 400) parameter (mxaaln = 4*maxq) parameter (maxn = maxp*maxq, mxddln = maxp*maxn) dimension y0(n), fly(*), matp(2) common /gear0/ yh(maxn,6) common /gear1/ t,h,hmin,hmax,epsc,uround,nc,mfc,kflag,jstart common /gear2/ ymax(maxn) common /gear3/ error(maxn) common /gear4/ save1(maxn) common /gear5/ save2(maxn) common /gear5a/ save3(maxp) common /gear6/ dd(mxddln) common /gear6a/ aa(mxaaln) common /gear7/ ipiv(maxn) common /gear8/ epinr,srbnd,mxcor,mxnu,mp,mq,mpsq common /gear9/ hused,nqused,nstep,nfe,nje,nii data uround/7.1e-15/, lout/6/ c The following line is needed to save internal variables between calls. save toutp, n0 c if (indx .eq. 0) go to 20 if (indx .eq. 2) go to 25 if (indx .eq. -1) go to 30 if (indx .eq. 3) go to 40 if (indx .ne. 1) go to 430 if (eps .le. 0.) go to 400 if (n .le. 0) go to 410 if ((t0-tout)*h0 .ge. 0.) go to 420 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if initial values of ymax other than those set below are desired, c they should be set here. all ymax(i) must be positive. c if values for hmin or hmax, the bounds on abs(h), other than c those below are desired, they should be set below. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- mp = matp(1) mq = matp(2) if (n .ne. mp*mq) go to 410 if (mp .gt. maxp) go to 410 if (mq .gt. maxq) go to 410 do 12 iq = 1,mq do 10 ip = 1,mp i = ip + (iq - 1)*mp ymax(i) = abs(y0(i)) + fly(ip) yh(i,1) = y0(i) 10 continue 12 continue nc = n t = t0 h = h0 if ((t+h) .eq. t) write(lout,15) 15 format(' warning.. t + h = t on next step.') hmin = abs(h0) hmax = abs(t0-tout)*10. epsc = eps mfc = mf jstart = 0 n0 = n epinr = .01 mxcor = 5 mxnu = 20 mpsq = mp**2 c aset called here if the coefficients aa are constant. ---------------- c call aset (t, yh, aa, mq) nhcut = 0 go to 50 c c toutp is the previous value of tout for use in hmax. ----------------- 20 hmax = abs(tout-toutp)*10. go to 80 c 25 hmax = abs(tout-toutp)*10. if ((t-tout)*h .ge. 0.) go to 500 go to 85 c 30 if ((t-tout)*h .ge. 0.) go to 440 jstart = -1 nc = n epsc = eps mfc = mf c 40 if ((t+h) .eq. t) write(lout,15) c 50 call stifbi (yh, n0) c kgo = 1 - kflag go to (60, 100, 200, 300, 310), kgo c kflag = 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 c 60 continue c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c normal return from integrator. c c the weights ymax(i) are updated. if different values are desired, c they should be set here. a test is made for eps being too small c for the machine precision. c c any other tests or calculations that are required after every c step should be inserted here. c c if indx = 3, y0 is set to the current y values on return. c if indx = 2, h is controlled to hit tout (within roundoff c error), and then the current y values are put in y0 on return. c for any other value of indx, control returns to the integrator c unless tout has been reached. then interpolated values of y are c computed and stored in y0 on return. c if interpolation is not desired, the call to interp should be c removed and control transferred to statement 500 instead of 520. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- d = 0. do 72 iq = 1,mq do 70 ip = 1,mp i = ip + (iq - 1)*mp ayi = abs(yh(i,1)) ymax(i) = ayi + fly(ip) d = d + (ayi/ymax(i))**2 70 continue 72 continue d = d*(uround/eps)**2 if (d .gt. float(n)) go to 250 if (indx .eq. 3) go to 500 if (indx .eq. 2) go to 85 80 if ((t-tout)*h .lt. 0.) go to 40 call interp (tout, yh, n0, y0) go to 520 85 if (((t+h)-tout)*h .le. 0.) go to 40 if (abs(t-tout) .le. 100.*uround*hmax) go to 500 if ((t-tout)*h .ge. 0.) go to 500 h = (tout - t)*(1. - 4.*uround) jstart = -1 go to 40 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c on an error return from integrator, an immediate return occurs if c kflag = -2, and recovery attempts are made otherwise. c to recover, h and hmin are reduced by a factor of .1 up to 10 c times before giving up. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 write (lout,105) t 105 format(//' kflag = -1 from integrator at t = ',e16.8/ 1 ' error test failed with abs(h) = hmin'/) 110 if (nhcut .eq. 10) go to 150 nhcut = nhcut + 1 hmin = .1*hmin h = .1*h write (lout,115) h 115 format(' h has been reduced to ',e16.8, 1 ' and step will be retried'//) jstart = -1 go to 40 c 150 write (lout,155) 155 format(//' problem appears unsolvable with given input'//) go to 500 c 200 write (lout,205) t,h 205 format(//' kflag = -2 from integrator at t =',e16.8,' h =',e16.8/ 1 ' the requested error is smaller than can be handled'//) go to 500 c 250 write (lout,255) t 255 format(//' integration halted by driver at t = ',e16.8/ 1 ' eps too small to be attained for the machine precision'/) kflag = -2 go to 500 c 300 write (lout,305) t 305 format(//' kflag = -3 from integrator at t = ',e16.8/ 1 ' corrector convergence could not be achieved'/) go to 110 c 310 write (lout,315) t 315 format(//' kflag = -4 from integrator at t = ',e16.8/ 1 ' block iterative convergence could not be achieved'/) kflag = -3 go to 110 c 400 write (lout,405) 405 format(//' illegal input.. eps .le. 0.'//) indx = -4 return c 410 write (lout,415) n,mp,mq 415 format(//' illegal input.. n =',i8,' mp =',i8,' mq =',i8//) indx = -4 return c 420 write (lout,425) 425 format(//' illegal input.. (t0-tout)*h .ge. 0.'//) indx = -4 return c 430 write (lout,435) indx 435 format(//' illegal input.. indx =',i5//) indx = -4 return c 440 write (lout,445) t,tout,h 445 format(//' indx = -1 on input with (t-tout)*h .ge. 0.'/ 1 ' t =',e16.8,' tout =',e16.8,' h =',e16.8/ 2 ' interpolation was done as on normal return.'/ 3 ' desired parameter changes were not made.') call interp (tout, yh, n0, y0) indx = -5 return c 500 tout = t do 510 i = 1,n 510 y0(i) = yh(i,1) 520 indx = kflag toutp = tout h0 = hused if (kflag .ne. 0) h0 = h return c----------------------- end of subroutine drivbi ---------------------- end subroutine interp (tout, yh, n0, y0) dimension y0(n0),yh(n0,*) common /gear1/ t,h,dummy(4),n,idummy(2),jstart c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine interp computes interpolated values of the dependent c variable y and stores them in y0. the interpolation is to the c point t = tout, and uses the nordsieck history array yh, as follows.. c nq c y0(i) = sum yh(i,j+1)*s**j , c j=0 c where s = -(t-tout)/h. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do 10 i = 1,n 10 y0(i) = yh(i,1) l = jstart + 1 s = (tout - t)/h s1 = 1. do 30 j = 2,l s1 = s1*s do 20 i = 1,n 20 y0(i) = y0(i) + s1*yh(i,j) 30 continue return c----------------------- end of subroutine interp ---------------------- end subroutine stifbi (yh, n0) dimension yh(n0,*) common /gear1/ t,h,hmin,hmax,eps,uround,n,mf,kflag,jstart common /gear2/ ymax(1) common /gear3/ error(1) common /gear4/ save1(1) common /gear5/ save2(1) common /gear5a/ save3(1) common /gear6/ dd(1) common /gear7/ ipiv(1) common /gear8/ epinr,srbnd,mxcor,mxnu,mp,mq,mpsq common /gear9/ hused,nqused,nstep,nfe,nje,nii c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c stifbi performs one step of the integration of an initial value c problem for a system of ordinary differential equations, with c block-iterative treatment of the jacobian matrix. c communication with stifbi is done with the following variables.. c c yh an n0 by lmax array containing the dependent variables c and their scaled derivatives. lmax - 1 = maxder c is the maximum order available. it is currently set to c 5 by coset and stifbi. c yh(i,j+1) contains the j-th derivative of y(i), scaled by c h**j/factorial(j) (j = 0,1,...,nq). c n0 a constant integer .ge. n, used for dimensioning purposes. c t the independent variable. t is updated on each step taken. c h the step size to be attempted on the next step. c h is altered by the error control algorithm during the c problem. h can be either positive or negative, but its c sign must remain constant throughout the problem. c hmin, the minimum and maximum absolute value of the step size c hmax to be used for the step. these may be changed at any c time, but will not take effect until the next h change. c eps the relative error bound. see description in driver. c n the number of first-order differential equations. c mf the method flag. see description in driver. c kflag a completion code with the following meanings.. c 0 the step was succesful. c -1 the requested error could not be achieved c with abs(h) = hmin. c -2 the requested error is smaller than can c be handled for this problem. c -3 corrector convergence could not be c achieved for abs(h) = hmin. c -4 block iterative convergence could not be c achieved for abs(h) = hmin. c on a return with kflag negative, the values of t and c the yh array are as of the beginning of the last c step, and h is the last step size attempted. c jstart an integer used on input and output. c on input, it has the following values and meanings.. c 0 perform the first step. c .gt.0 take a new step continuing from the last. c .lt.0 take the next step with a new value of c h, eps, and/or mf. c on exit, jstart is nq, the current order of the method. c ymax an array of n elements with which the estimated local c errors in y are compared. c error an array of n elements. error(i)/tq(2) is the estimated c one-step error in y(i). c save1, two arrays of working storage, c save2 each of length n. c save3 a working array of length mp. c dd a block of locations used for partial derivatives if c miter is not 0. see description in driver. c ipiv an integer array of length n used for pivot c information if miter = 1 or 2. c mxcor the maximum number of corrector iterations per step. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- dimension el(13),tq(4) data el(2)/1./, oldl0/1./ c The following is needed to save internal variables between calls. save rc, miter, nstepj, nq, iweval, crate, bnd, mfold, meth, e, epsold, 1 nold, l, idoub, lmax, eup, rmax, con, edn c kflag = 0 told = t if (jstart .gt. 0) go to 200 if (jstart .ne. 0) go to 120 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c on the first call, the order is set to 1 and the initial ydot is c calculated. rmax is the maximum ratio by which h can be increased c in a single step. it is initially 1.e4 to compensate for the small c initial h, but then is normally equal to 10. if a failure c occurs (in corrector convergence or error test), rmax is set at 2 c for the next increase. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- call diffun (n, t, yh, save1) do 110 i = 1,n 110 yh(i,2) = h*save1(i) meth = mf/10 miter = mf - 10*meth nq = 1 l = 2 idoub = 3 rmax = 1.e4 rc = 0. crate = 1. hold = h mfold = mf ier = 0 nstep = 0 nstepj = 0 nfe = 1 nje = 0 nii = 0 iret = 3 go to 130 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if the caller has changed meth, coset is called to set c the coefficients of the method. if the caller has changed c n, eps, or meth, the constants e, edn, eup, and bnd must be reset. c e is a comparison for errors of the current order nq. eup is c to test for increasing the order, edn for decreasing the order. c bnd is used to test for convergence of the corrector iterates. c if the caller has changed h, yh must be rescaled. c if h or meth has been changed, idoub is reset to l + 1 to prevent c further changes in h for that many steps. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 120 if (mf .eq. mfold) go to 150 meo = meth mio = miter meth = mf/10 miter = mf - 10*meth mfold = mf if (miter .ne. mio) iweval = miter if (meth .eq. meo) go to 150 idoub = l + 1 iret = 1 130 call coset (meth, nq, el, tq, maxder) if (maxder .gt. 5) maxder = 5 lmax = maxder + 1 rc = rc*el(1)/oldl0 oldl0 = el(1) 140 fn = float(n) edn = fn*(tq(1)*eps)**2 e = fn*(tq(2)*eps)**2 eup = fn*(tq(3)*eps)**2 bnd = fn*(tq(4)*eps)**2 srbnd = sqrt(bnd) epsold = eps nold = n go to (160, 170, 200), iret 150 if ((eps .eq. epsold) .and. (n .eq. nold)) go to 160 if (n .ne. nold) iweval = miter iret = 1 go to 140 160 if (h .eq. hold) go to 200 rh = h/hold h = hold iredo = 3 go to 175 170 rh = amax1(rh,hmin/abs(h)) 175 rh = amin1(rh,hmax/abs(h),rmax) r1 = 1. do 180 j = 2,l r1 = r1*rh do 180 i = 1,n 180 yh(i,j) = yh(i,j)*r1 h = h*rh rc = rc*rh idoub = l + 1 if (iredo .eq. 0) go to 690 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this section computes the predicted values by effectively c multiplying the yh array by the pascal triangle matrix. c rc is the ratio of new to old values of the coefficient h*el(1). c when rc differs from 1 by more than 30 percent, or the caller has c changed miter, iweval is set to miter to force the partials to be c updated, if partials are used. in any case, the partials c are updated at least every 20-th step. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 if (abs(rc-1.) .gt. 0.3) iweval = miter if (nstep .ge. nstepj+20) iweval = miter t = t + h do 210 j1 = 1,nq do 210 j2 = j1,nq j = (nq + j1) - j2 do 210 i = 1,n 210 yh(i,j) = yh(i,j) + yh(i,j+1) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c up to mxcor corrector iterations are taken. a convergence test is c made on the r.m.s. norm of each correction, using bnd, which c is dependent on eps. the sum of the corrections is accumulated c in the vector error(i). the yh array is not altered in the corrector c loop. the updated y vector is stored temporarily in save1. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 220 m = 0 call diffun (n, t, yh, save2) nfe = nfe + 1 if (iweval .le. 0) go to 250 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if indicated, the matrix p = i - h*el(1)*j is reevaluated before c starting the corrector iteration. iweval is set to 0 to indicate c that this has been done. p is computed and processed in psetbi. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- iweval = 0 rc = 1. nstepj = nstep con = h*el(1) call psetbi (yh, n0, con, miter, ier) if (ier .ne. 0) go to 420 hl0 = h*el(1) 250 do 260 i = 1,n 260 error(i) = 0. 270 if (miter .ne. 0) go to (350, 350, 310), miter c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c in the case of functional iteration, update y directly from c the result of the last diffun call. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- d = 0. do 300 i = 1,n r = h*save2(i) - yh(i,2) d = d + ( (r-error(i))/ymax(i) )**2 save1(i) = yh(i,1) + el(1)*r 300 error(i) = r go to 400 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c in the case of the chord method, compute the corrector error, c f sub (m), and solve the linear system with that as right-hand c side and p as coefficient matrix, using the lu decomposition c if miter = 1. if miter = 3, the coefficient h*el(1) c in p is updated. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 310 phl0 = hl0 hl0 = h*el(1) if (hl0 .eq. phl0) go to 330 r = hl0/phl0 do 320 i = 1,n d = 1. - r*(1. - 1./dd(i)) if (abs(d) .eq. 0.) go to 440 320 dd(i) = 1./d 330 do 340 i = 1,n 340 save1(i) = dd(i)*(h*save2(i) - (yh(i,2) + error(i))) go to 370 350 do 360 i = 1,n 360 save2(i) = h*save2(i) - (yh(i,2) + error(i)) call solbi (save2, save1, con, save3, ier) if (ier .ne. 0) go to 410 370 d = 0. do 380 i = 1,n error(i) = error(i) + save1(i) d = d + (save1(i)/ymax(i))**2 380 save1(i) = yh(i,1) + el(1)*error(i) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c test for convergence. if, the square of the convergence c rate constant is estimated as crate, and this is used in the test. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 if (m .ne. 0) crate = amax1(.9*crate,d/d1) if ((d*amin1(1.,2.*crate)) .le. bnd) go to 450 d1 = d m = m + 1 if (m .eq. mxcor) go to 410 call diffun (n, t, save1, save2) nfe = nfe + 1 go to 270 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c corrector iteration or block-sor failed to converge. if partials c are involved but are not up to date, they are reevaluated for the c next try. otherwise the yh array is retracted to its values c before prediction, and h is reduced, if possible. if not, a c no-convergence exit is taken. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 410 if (iweval .eq. -1) go to 440 420 t = told rmax = 2. do 430 j1 = 1,nq do 430 j2 = j1,nq j = (nq + j1) - j2 do 430 i = 1,n 430 yh(i,j) = yh(i,j) - yh(i,j+1) if (abs(h) .le. hmin*1.00001) go to 680 rh = .25 iredo = 1 go to 170 440 iweval = miter go to 220 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c the corrector has converged. iweval is set to -1 if partial c derivatives were used, to signal that they may need updating on c subsequent steps. the error test is made and control passes to c statement 500 if it fails. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 450 if (miter .ne. 0) iweval = -1 d = 0. do 460 i = 1,n 460 d = d + (error(i)/ymax(i))**2 if (d .gt. e) go to 500 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c after a successful step, update the yh array. c consider changing h if idoub = 1. otherwise decrease idoub by 1. c if idoub is then 1 and nq .lt. maxder, then error is saved for c use in a possible order increase on the next step. c if a change in h is considered, an increase or decrease in order c by one is considered also. a change in h is made only if it is by a c factor of at least 1.1. if not, idoub is set to 10 to prevent c testing for that many steps. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- kflag = 0 iredo = 0 nstep = nstep + 1 hused = h nqused = nq do 470 j = 1,l do 470 i = 1,n 470 yh(i,j) = yh(i,j) + el(j)*error(i) if (idoub .eq. 1) go to 520 idoub = idoub - 1 if (idoub .gt. 1) go to 700 if (l .eq. lmax) go to 700 do 490 i = 1,n 490 yh(i,lmax) = error(i) go to 700 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c the error test failed. kflag keeps track of multiple failures. c restore t and the yh array to their previous values, and prepare c to try the step again. compute the optimum step size for this or c one lower order. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 kflag = kflag - 1 t = told do 510 j1 = 1,nq do 510 j2 = j1,nq j = (nq + j1) - j2 do 510 i = 1,n 510 yh(i,j) = yh(i,j) - yh(i,j+1) rmax = 2. if (abs(h) .le. hmin*1.00001) go to 660 if (kflag .le. -3) go to 640 iredo = 2 pr3 = 1.e+20 go to 540 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c regardless of the success or failure of the step, factors c pr1, pr2, and pr3 are computed, by which h could be divided c at order nq - 1, order nq, or order nq + 1, respectively. c in the case of failure, pr3 = 1.e20 to avoid an order increase. c the smallest of these is determined and the new order chosen c accordingly. if the order is to be increased, we compute one c additional scaled derivative. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 520 pr3 = 1.e+20 if (l .eq. lmax) go to 540 d1 = 0. do 530 i = 1,n 530 d1 = d1 + ((error(i) - yh(i,lmax))/ymax(i))**2 enq3 = .5/float(l+1) pr3 = ((d1/eup)**enq3)*1.4 + 1.4e-6 540 enq2 = .5/float(l) pr2 = ((d/e)**enq2)*1.2 + 1.2e-6 pr1 = 1.e+20 if (nq .eq. 1) go to 560 d = 0. do 550 i = 1,n 550 d = d + (yh(i,l)/ymax(i))**2 enq1 = .5/float(nq) pr1 = ((d/edn)**enq1)*1.3 + 1.3e-6 560 if (pr2 .le. pr3) go to 570 if (pr3 .lt. pr1) go to 590 go to 580 570 if (pr2 .gt. pr1) go to 580 newq = nq rh = 1./pr2 go to 620 580 newq = nq - 1 rh = 1./pr1 go to 620 590 newq = l rh = 1./pr3 if (rh .lt. 1.1) go to 610 do 600 i = 1,n 600 yh(i,newq+1) = error(i)*(el(l)/float(l)) go to 630 610 idoub = 10 go to 700 620 if ((kflag .eq. 0) .and. (rh .lt. 1.1)) go to 610 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if there is a change of order, reset nq, l, and the coefficients. c in any case h is reset according to rh and the yh array is rescaled. c then exit from 690 if the step was ok, or redo the step otherwise. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (newq .eq. nq) go to 170 630 nq = newq l = nq + 1 iret = 2 go to 130 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c control reaches this section if 3 or more failures have occured. c it is assumed that the derivatives that have accumulated in the c yh array have errors of the wrong order. hence the first c derivative is recomputed, and the order is set to 1. then c h is reduced by a factor of 10, and the step is retried. c after a total of 7 failures, an exit is taken with kflag = -2. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 640 if (kflag .eq. -7) go to 670 rh = .1 rh = amax1(hmin/abs(h),rh) h = h*rh call diffun (n, t, yh, save1) nfe = nfe + 1 do 650 i = 1,n 650 yh(i,2) = h*save1(i) iweval = miter idoub = 10 if (nq .eq. 1) go to 200 nq = 1 l = 2 iret = 3 go to 130 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c all returns are made through this section. h is saved in hold c to allow the caller to change h on the next step. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 660 kflag = -1 go to 700 670 kflag = -2 go to 700 680 kflag = -3 if (ier .eq. -1) kflag = -4 go to 700 690 rmax = 10. 700 hold = h jstart = nq return c----------------------- end of subroutine stifbi ---------------------- end subroutine coset (meth, nq, el, tq, maxder) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c coset is called by the integrator and sets coefficients used there. c the vector el, of length nq + 1, determines the basic method. c the vector tq, of length 4, is involved in adjusting the step size c in relation to truncation error. its values are given by the c pertst array. c the vectors el and tq depend on meth and nq. c coset also sets maxder, the maximum order of the method available. c currently it is 12 for the adams methods and 5 for the bdf methods. c lmax = maxder + 1 is the number of columns in the yh array. c the maximum order used may be reduced simply by decreasing the c numbers in statements 1 and/or 2 below. c c the coefficients in pertst need be given to only about c one percent accuracy. the order in which the groups appear below c is.. coefficients for order nq - 1, coefficients for order nq, c coefficients for order nq + 1. within each group are the c coefficients for the adams methods, followed by those for the c bdf methods. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- dimension pertst(12,2,3),el(13),tq(4) data pertst / 1.,1.,2.,1.,.3158,.07407,.01391,.002182, 1 .0002945,.00003492,.000003692,.0000003524, 2 1.,1.,.5,.1667,.04167,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1., 3 2.,12.,24.,37.89,53.33,70.08,87.97,106.9, 4 126.7,147.4,168.8,191.0, 5 2.0,4.5,7.333,10.42,13.7,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1., 6 12.0,24.0,37.89,53.33,70.08,87.97,106.9, 7 126.7,147.4,168.8,191.0,1., 8 3.0,6.0,9.167,12.5,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1. / c go to (1,2),meth 1 maxder = 12 go to (101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112),nq 2 maxder = 5 go to (201,202,203,204,205),nq c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c the following coefficients should be defined to machine accuracy. c for a given order nq, they can be calculated by use of the c generating polynomial l(t), whose coefficients are el(i).. c l(t) = el(1) + el(2)*t + ... + el(nq+1)*t**nq. c for the implicit adams methods, l(t) is given by c dl/dt = (t+1)*(t+2)* ... *(t+nq-1)/k, l(-1) = 0, c where k = factorial(nq-1). c for the bdf methods, c l(t) = (t+1)*(t+2)* ... *(t+nq)/k, c where k = factorial(nq)*(1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/nq). c c the order in which the groups appear below is.. c implicit adams methods of orders 1 to 12, c bdf methods of orders 1 to 5. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 el(1) = 1.0 go to 900 102 el(1) = 0.5 el(3) = 0.5 go to 900 103 el(1) = 4.1666666666667e-01 el(3) = 0.75 el(4) = 1.6666666666667e-01 go to 900 104 el(1) = 0.375 el(3) = 9.1666666666667e-01 el(4) = 3.3333333333333e-01 el(5) = 4.1666666666667e-02 go to 900 105 el(1) = 3.4861111111111e-01 el(3) = 1.0416666666667 el(4) = 4.8611111111111e-01 el(5) = 1.0416666666667e-01 el(6) = 8.3333333333333e-03 go to 900 106 el(1) = 3.2986111111111e-01 el(3) = 1.1416666666667 el(4) = 0.625 el(5) = 1.7708333333333e-01 el(6) = 0.025 el(7) = 1.3888888888889e-03 go to 900 107 el(1) = 3.1559193121693e-01 el(3) = 1.225 el(4) = 7.5185185185185e-01 el(5) = 2.5520833333333e-01 el(6) = 4.8611111111111e-02 el(7) = 4.8611111111111e-03 el(8) = 1.9841269841270e-04 go to 900 108 el(1) = 3.0422453703704e-01 el(3) = 1.2964285714286 el(4) = 8.6851851851852e-01 el(5) = 3.3576388888889e-01 el(6) = 7.7777777777778e-02 el(7) = 1.0648148148148e-02 el(8) = 7.9365079365079e-04 el(9) = 2.4801587301587e-05 go to 900 109 el(1) = 2.9486800044092e-01 el(3) = 1.3589285714286 el(4) = 9.7655423280423e-01 el(5) = 0.4171875 el(6) = 1.1135416666667e-01 el(7) = 0.01875 el(8) = 1.9345238095238e-03 el(9) = 1.1160714285714e-04 el(10)= 2.7557319223986e-06 go to 900 110 el(1) = 2.8697544642857e-01 el(3) = 1.4144841269841 el(4) = 1.0772156084656 el(5) = 4.9856701940035e-01 el(6) = 0.1484375 el(7) = 2.9060570987654e-02 el(8) = 3.7202380952381e-03 el(9) = 2.9968584656085e-04 el(10)= 1.3778659611993e-05 el(11)= 2.7557319223986e-07 go to 900 111 el(1) = 2.8018959644394e-01 el(3) = 1.4644841269841 el(4) = 1.1715145502646 el(5) = 5.7935819003527e-01 el(6) = 1.8832286155203e-01 el(7) = 4.1430362654321e-02 el(8) = 6.2111441798942e-03 el(9) = 6.2520667989418e-04 el(10)= 4.0417401528513e-05 el(11)= 1.5156525573192e-06 el(12)= 2.5052108385442e-08 go to 900 112 el(1) = 2.7426554003160e-01 el(3) = 1.5099386724387 el(4) = 1.2602711640212 el(5) = 6.5923418209877e-01 el(6) = 2.3045800264550e-01 el(7) = 5.5697246105232e-02 el(8) = 9.4394841269841e-03 el(9) = 1.1192749669312e-03 el(10)= 9.0939153439153e-05 el(11)= 4.8225308641975e-06 el(12)= 1.5031265031265e-07 el(13)= 2.0876756987868e-09 go to 900 201 el(1) = 1.0 go to 900 202 el(1) = 6.6666666666667e-01 el(3) = 3.3333333333333e-01 go to 900 203 el(1) = 5.4545454545455e-01 el(3) = el(1) el(4) = 9.0909090909091e-02 go to 900 204 el(1) = 0.48 el(3) = 0.7 el(4) = 0.2 el(5) = 0.02 go to 900 205 el(1) = 4.3795620437956e-01 el(3) = 8.2116788321168e-01 el(4) = 3.1021897810219e-01 el(5) = 5.4744525547445e-02 el(6) = 3.6496350364964e-03 c 900 do 910 k = 1,3 910 tq(k) = pertst(nq,meth,k) tq(4) = .5*tq(2)/float(nq+2) return c----------------------- end of subroutine coset ----------------------- end subroutine psetbi (yh, n0, con, miter, ier) dimension yh(n0,*) common /gear1/ t,h,dummy(3),uround,n,idummy(3) common /gear2/ ymax(1) common /gear4/ save1(1) common /gear5/ save2(1) common /gear6/ dd(1) common /gear6a/ aa(1) common /gear7/ ipiv(1) common /gear8/ epinr,srbnd,mxcor,mxnu,mp,mq,mpsq common /gear9/ hused,nqused,nstep,nfe,nje,nii c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c psetbi is called by stifbi to compute and process the matrix c p = i - h*el(1)*j , where j is an approximation to the jacobian. c j is computed, either by making calls to the user-supplied routine c pdbd if miter = 1, or as a diagonal divided difference approximation c if miter = 3. if miter .ne. 3, the diagonal blocks of p c are subjected to lu decomposition in preparation for c later solution of linear systems with p as coefficient matrix. c c in addition to variables described previously, communication c with psetbi uses the following variables.. c con = h*el(1). c ier = 0 if no singularity was found in the diagonal blocks, or c = the index (1 to n) at which a singularity was found. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- nje = nje + 1 go to (100, 100, 300), miter c if miter = 1, make mq calls to pdbd and do lu on each diagonal block. 100 iy = 1 id = 1 conn = -con do 130 iq = 1,mq call pdbd (t, yh(iy,1), iq, dd(id), mp) do 110 i = 1,mpsq 110 dd(id+i-1) = dd(id+i-1)*conn i1 = 0 do 120 i = 1,mp dd(id+i1) = dd(id+i1) + 1. 120 i1 = i1 + (mp + 1) call dec (mp, mp, dd(id), ipiv(iy), ier) if (ier .ne. 0) go to 190 iy = iy + mp id = id + mpsq 130 continue c if the off-diagonal coefficients aa are not constant, call aset here. call aset (t, yh, aa, mq) return 190 ier = (iq-1)*mp + ier return c if miter = 3, construct a diagonal approximation to j and p. --------- 300 con = con/h ier = 0 r = con*.1 do 310 i = 1,n 310 dd(i) = yh(i,1) + r*(h*save2(i) - yh(i,2)) call diffun (n, t, dd, save1) nfe = nfe + 1 do 320 i = 1,n r0 = h*save2(i) - yh(i,2) dd(i) = 1. if (abs(r0) .lt. uround*ymax(i)) go to 320 d = .1*r0 - h*(save1(i) - save2(i)) if (abs(d) .eq. 0.) go to 330 dd(i) = .1*r0/d 320 continue return 330 ier = i return c----------------------- end of subroutine psetbi ---------------------- end subroutine solbi (b, x, con, z, ier) dimension b(*),x(*),z(*) common /gear1/ dummy(6),n,idummy(3) common /gear2/ ymax(1) common /gear6/ dd(1) common /gear6a/ aa(1) common /gear7/ ipiv(1) common /gear8/ epinr,srbnd,mxcor,mxnu,mp,mq,mpsq common /gear8a/ er,erlast,relax,is1,is2,icnt,iw common /gear9/ hused,nqused,nstep,nfe,nje,nii c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c solbi is called by stifbi and solves a blocked linear system by the c block-sor iterative method. the coefficient matrix has diagonal c blocks whose lu decompositions are stored in dd, and c off-diagonal elements which are the contents of aa multiplied by c the scalar con. c c communication with solbi uses the following variables.. c b = right-hand side vector (input). c x = solution vector (output). c con = input scalar multiplying the off-diagonal elements, c the value of h*el(1) as of the last jacobian update. c z = working vector of length mp. c ier = 0 on return if convergence is achieved, or -1 if not. c epinr = constant used in the convergence test, set in driver. c srbnd = constant used in the convergence test, set in stifbi. c mxnu = maximum number of block-sor iterations allowed. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c initial guess for x is solution of block-diagonal system. ------------ do 5 i = 1,n 5 x(i) = b(i) ix = 1 id = 1 do 10 iq = 1,mq call sol (mp, mp, dd(id), x(ix), ipiv(ix)) id = id + mpsq 10 ix = ix + mp c initialize parameters and loop over iteration index nu. -------------- dxold = 0. relax = 1. is1 = 6 is2 = 5 icnt = 0 iw = 0 do 70 nu = 1,mxnu c loop over block index iq = 1,...,mq. --------------------------------- dxnorm = 0. ix = 0 id = 1 do 50 iq = 1,mq c load segment of b into z. -------------------------------------------- ix1 = ix + 1 do 20 ip = 1,mp 20 z(ip) = b(ix+ip) c call offdi to subtract terms from off-diagonal elements. ------------- kq = iq call offdi (z, x, kq, con, aa, mp, mq) c solve mp by mp system for block of new values. ----------------------- call sol (mp, mp, dd(id), z, ipiv(ix1)) c apply correction to x and form needed norms. ------------------------- do 40 ip = 1,mp z(ip) = relax*(z(ip) - x(ix+ip)) dxnorm = dxnorm + ( z(ip)/ymax(ix+ip) )**2 40 x(ix+ip) = x(ix+ip) + z(ip) ix = ix + mp id = id + mpsq 50 continue dxnorm = sqrt(dxnorm) c update relaxation parameters and test for convergence. --------------- er = .99 if (dxold .ne. 0.) er = dxnorm/dxold dxold = dxnorm relbnd = srbnd*epinr*(1. - er) if (dxnorm .lt. relbnd) go to 80 if (nu .ge. is1 .or. nu .ge. is2) call omega(nu) erlast = er 70 continue c failed to converge. error return. ----------------------------------- nii = nii + mxnu ier = -1 return c normal return. ------------------------------------------------------- 80 nii = nii + nu ier = 0 return c----------------------- end of subroutine solbi ----------------------- end subroutine omega (nu) common /gear8a/ er,erlast,relax,is1,is2,icnt,iw c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c omega is called by solbi to compute the overrelaxation parameter c used there, when miter = 1. c programmed by n. k. madsen, based on the work of l. a. hageman. c c communication with omega uses the following variables.. c nu = iteration index = 1,2,... c er = ratio of successive norms of iterate differences. c erlast = previous value of er. c relax = the overrelaxation parameter. c is1,is2 = lower limits on nu for which omega is called. c icnt,iw = internal counters, initialized by solbi. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- dimension rlxmax(8) data rlxmax/1.75,1.83,1.9,1.94,1.98,1.99,1.995,1.999/ data xc1/0.5/, xc2/0.75/ c The following is needed to save an internal variable between calls. save thrate c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c first check error reduction factor er for possible oscillatory c behavior which indicates that relax is already too large. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( nu .lt. is1 ) go to 30 temp = relax - 1. if ( er .ge. temp ) go to 10 icnt = icnt + 1 er = temp return 10 if ( (er+.00005) .lt. erlast ) return if ( er .lt. 1. ) go to 20 er = .9999999 return 20 if ( icnt .gt. 0 ) return c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute new values of relax and/or is1 and is2 if c conditions are appropriate. eff measures the efficiency of the c iterations with the current value of relax. if eff is at least xc2 c (currently .75), the current value of relax is considered adequate. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 if ( nu .lt. is2 ) return if ( relax .ne. 1. ) go to 40 rhosq = er if ( er .lt. 1. ) go to 50 is1 = is1 + 4 is2 = is2 + 4 er = .9999999 return 40 eff = -alog(er) / thrate if ( eff .ge. xc2 ) return rhosq = (er+relax-1.)**2 / (relax*relax*er) 50 relax = 2. / ( 1. + sqrt(1.-rhosq) ) iw = min0(8,iw+1) if ( relax .gt. rlxmax(iw) ) relax = rlxmax(iw) inc = 6 60 if ( float(inc)*(relax-1.)**inc .le. xc1 ) go to 70 inc = inc + 1 go to 60 70 is1 = nu + 5 is2 = is1 + inc icnt = 0 thrate = -alog(relax-1.) return c----------------------- end of subroutine omega ----------------------- end subroutine dec (n, ndim, a, ip, ier) dimension a(ndim,n), ip(n) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c matrix triangularization by gauss elimination with partial pivoting. c input.. c n = order of matrix. c ndim = declared first dimension of array a. c a = matrix to be triangularized. c output.. c a(i,j), i.le.j = upper triangular factor, u . c a(i,j), = multipliers = lower triangular factor, i - l. c ip(k), = index of k-th pivot row. c ier = 0 if matrix a is nonsingular, or k if found to be c singular at stage k. c row interchanges are finished in u, only partly in l. c use sol to obtain solution of linear system. c if ier .ne. 0, a is singular, sol will divide by zero. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- ier = 0 if (n .eq. 1) go to 70 nm1 = n - 1 do 60 k = 1,nm1 kp1 = k + 1 c find the pivot in column k. search rows k to n. --------------------- m = k do 10 i = kp1,n 10 if (abs(a(i,k)) .gt. abs(a(m,k))) m = i ip(k) = m c interchange elements in rows k and m. -------------------------------- t = a(m,k) if (m .eq. k) go to 20 a(m,k) = a(k,k) a(k,k) = t 20 if (t .eq. 0.) go to 80 c store multipliers in a(i,k), i = k+1,...,n. -------------------------- t = 1./t do 30 i = kp1,n 30 a(i,k) = -a(i,k)*t c apply multipliers to other columns of a. ----------------------------- do 50 j = kp1,n t = a(m,j) a(m,j) = a(k,j) a(k,j) = t if (t .eq. 0.) go to 50 do 40 i = kp1,n 40 a(i,j) = a(i,j) + a(i,k)*t 50 continue 60 continue 70 k = n if (a(n,n) .eq. 0.) go to 80 return 80 ier = k return c----------------------- end of subroutine dec ------------------------- end subroutine sol (n, ndim, a, b, ip) dimension a(ndim,n), b(n), ip(n) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c solution of linear system a*x = b using output of dec. c input.. c n = order of matrix. c ndim = declared first dimension of array a. c a = triangularized matrix obtained from dec. c b = right hand side vector. c ip = pivot information vector obtained from dec. c do not use if dec has set ier .ne. 0. c output.. c b = solution vector, x . c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (n .eq. 1) go to 50 nm1 = n - 1 c apply row permutations and multipliers to b. ------------------------- do 20 k = 1,nm1 kp1 = k + 1 m = ip(k) t = b(m) b(m) = b(k) b(k) = t do 10 i = kp1,n 10 b(i) = b(i) + a(i,k)*t 20 continue c back solve. ---------------------------------------------------------- do 40 kb = 1,nm1 km1 = n - kb k = km1 + 1 b(k) = b(k)/a(k,k) t = -b(k) do 30 i = 1,km1 30 b(i) = b(i) + a(i,k)*t 40 continue 50 b(1) = b(1)/a(1,1) return c----------------------- end of subroutine sol ------------------------- end