Below is a list of software projects and applications that have incorporated our compression technology. Projects marked with '*' are affiliated with the zfp or fpzip projects. Links to other projects are provided as a courtesy to our users.
- ADIOS: zfp support for the Adaptable IO System.
- AMReX: zfp I/O support for AMReX adaptive mesh refinement.
- Aphros: Multiphase fluid flow solver (fpzip).
- APPFL: Advanced Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Framework (zfp).
- BLOSC: zfp support in the C-BLOSC2 meta compressor.
- ButterflyPACK: Fast PDE solvers and transforms (zfp).
- CARTA: Visualization and analysis of astronomy data (zfp).
- CBench: Compression benchmark (fpzip, zfp).
- CM1: Severe weather modeling (zfp).
- Conduit: Data exchange for HPC simulations (zfp).
- CubismUP_2D: Incompressible flow solver (fpzip).
- E4S: Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Stack (zfp).
- ECP Data-Vis SDK: The Exascale Computing Project SDK for data and visualization (zfp).
- Ensemble Tools: Compression wrappers for Waves to Weather forecasting (zfp).
- Esri ArcGIS: Raster compression for ArcGIS geospatial applications (zfp).
- Flash-X: Multiphysics scientific software system (zfp).
- Gadgetron: Medical image reconstruction (zfp).
- H5Z-FPZIP: fpzip compression plugin for the HDF5 format.
- H5Z-ZFP*: zfp compression plugin for the HDF5 format. Developed by Mark Miller.
- HDF5®: zfp support for the Hierarchical Data Format.
- hdf5plugin: Compression filters for h5py, the Python interface to the HDF5 format (zfp).
- HIVE: Heterogeneously Integrated Visualization Environment (fpzip).
- HYDRA: Inertial confinement fusion (zfp).
- idx2: File format supporting multiresolution, variable-precision queries (zfp).
- imagecodecs: Python package for image compression codecs (zfp).
- Intel® IPP: AVX2 and AVX-512 implementation of zfp in Intel Integrated Performance Primitives.
- JHTDB: Johns Hopkins Turbulence Database (zfp).
- Lexcube: Earth data explorer (zfp).
- libpressio: Uniform interface to various compression libraries (fpzip, zfp).
- MACSio: I/O proxy application (zfp).
- MATLAB®: zfp compressed I/O support in MATLAB via the H5Z-ZFP HDF5 plugin.
- MDIO: I/O library for multidimensional data (zfp).
- MDTM: High performance data transfer (zfp).
- MPTRAC: Atmospheric transport model (zfp).
- MVAPICH: MPI message passing library supporting compression (zfp).
- NEC VE: zfp implementation for the NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA vector engine.
- NGPF: Next Gen Particle Format (zfp).
- NumPy Wrappers: Python wrappers for fpzip.
- OmniLRS: Lunar Robotics Simulator (zfp).
- oneAPI: zfp compression in the Intel oneAPI Data Transformation Library.
- OpenFOAM®: Compressed flow fields via ADIOS for computational fluid dynamics (zfp).
- Open Inventor™: zfp compression for medical and seismic applications.
- OpenZGY: Schlumberger's ZGY format for seismic data (zfp).
- PIDX: Parallel I/O library for multiresolution queries (zfp).
- PDMlib: Particle Data Management library (fpzip).
- pyzfp: PIP package for the Python interface to zfp (see also the official zfpy PIP package below).
- RMG: Density functional theory electronic structure calculations (zfp).
- seismic-zfp: Equinor's SGZ format for seismic data (zfp).
- SEP: Stanford Earth imaging Project (zfp).
- Silo*: Mesh and field I/O library (fpzip, zfp). Developed by Mark Miller.
- Spack*: Spack package for zfp.
- STRUMPACK: STRUctured Matrix PACKage for linear algebra (zfp).
- SW4: Seismic wave propagation for earthquake simulation (zfp).
- TinyEXR: OpenEXR high dynamic range image library (zfp).
- torchzfp: Torch7 compressed floating-point tensors (zfp).
- TTK: The Topology ToolKit (zfp).
- VTK: zfp third-party I/O support in Kitware's Visualization Toolkit.
- VTK-m: zfp support for (de)compressing VTK-m arrays.
- wasm-zfp: WebAssembly implementation of zfp.
- Xdas: zfp compression for Xdas distributed acoustic sensing.
- YARP: Robot control system (zfp).
- Z-checker: Framework for assessing compression ratio, error, and speed (zfp).
- zarr/numcodecs: zfp support for the zarr compressed-array package.
- zfp-sys: Rust bindings for zfp.
- ZfpCompression.jl: Julia bindings for zfp.
- zfp@Anaconda: Conda package for the C/C++ interface to zfp.
- zfpy@Anaconda*: Conda package for the Python interface to zfp. Developed by Kevin Paul.
- zfpy@PyPI*: PIP package for the Python interface to zfp. Developed by David Wade.
- zhw*: FPGA implementation of zfp. Developed by Scott Lloyd and Michael Barrow.