Our research projects vary in size, scope, and duration, but they share a focus on developing tools and methods that help LLNL deliver on its missions to the nation and, more broadly, advance the state of the art in scientific HPC. Projects are organized here in three ways: Active projects are those currently funded and regularly updated. Legacy projects are no longer actively developed. The A-Z option sorts all projects alphabetically, both active and legacy.
Livermore Metagenomics Analysis Toolkit
This genome sequencing technology helps accelerate the comparison of genetic fragments with reference genomes and improve the accuracy of the results as compared to previous technologies.
High-Order Finite Element Hydrodynamics
BLAST is a high-order finite element hydrodynamics research code that improves the accuracy of simulations and provides a path to extreme parallel computing and exascale architectures.
Parallel Time Integration with Multigrid
This project constructs coarse time grids and uses each solution to improve the next finer-scale solution, simultaneously updating a solution guess over the entire space-time domain.