PDES focuses on models that can accurately and effectively simulate California’s large-scale electric grid.
Master Block List
Master Block List is a service and data aggregation tool that aids Department of Energy facilities in creating filters and blocks to prevent cyber attacks.
Team reaches milestone in power grid optimization on world’s first exascale supercomputer
As part of the Exascale Computing Project’s ExaSGD project, a team including LLNL researchers ran HiOp, an open source optimization solver, on 9,000 nodes of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Frontier exascale supercomputer.
Patent applies machine learning to industrial control systems
A novel ML method discovers and predicts key data about networked devices.
Skywing: open-source software aids collaborative autonomy applications
Collaborative autonomy software apps allow networked devices to detect, gather, identify and interpret data; defend against cyber-attacks; and continue to operate despite infiltration.