Disclaimer: This article is more than two years old. Developments in science and computing happen quickly, and more up-to-date resources on this topic may be available.
Lawrence Livermore will participate in the 36th annual International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), which will be held virtually on May 30 through June 3, 2022. The event is a forum for computer science research in parallel computation, and it features paper presentations, workshops, tutorials, and more. Be sure to follow LLNL Computing on Twitter with the #IPDPS hashtag. Times below are listed in Pacific Daylight Time.
Monday, May 30
- 7:30am – 1:35pm | Workshop | GrAPL: Graphs, Architectures, Programming, and Learning | Roger Pearce and Trevor Steil, technical program committee
- 12:15pm – 2:15pm | Workshop | HIPS: High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments | Session 3: Improving Scalability with GPU-Aware Asynchronous Tasks | David Richards, presenter
- Time TBD | Workshop | ADOPT: AI for Data Center Operations | Stephanie Brink, program chair; Harshitha Gopalakrishnan Menon, Ivy Peng, and Feiyi Wang, program committee
Tuesday, May 31
- 11:03am – 11:21am | Papers, session 9 | Resource Utilization Aware Job Scheduling to Mitigate Performance Variability | Aniruddha Marathe, Kathleen Shoga, and Todd Gamblin
- 11:21am – 11:39am | Papers, session 12 | Co-Designing an OpenMP GPU Runtime and Optimizations for Near-Zero Overhead Execution | Giorgis Georgakoudis
- 11:57am – 12:15pm | Papers, session 9 | DFMan: A Graph-Based Optimization of Dataflow Scheduling on High-Performance Computing Systems | Adam Moody and Kathryn Mohror
Wednesday, June 1
- 8:45am – 9:15pm | Best Paper Candidates, session 14 | Towards Distributed 2-Approximation Steiner Minimal Trees in Billion-Edge Graphs | Geoffrey Sanders and Roger Pearce
Friday, June 3
- 7:00am – 10:10am | Workshop | ESSA: Extreme-Scale Storage and Analysis | Kathryn Mohror, steering committee
- 9:05am – 10:35am | Workshop | ExSAIS: Extreme Scaling of AI for Science | Panel: Scaling AI for Science | Timo Bremer, panelist
LLNL Committee Members
- Maya Gokhale, system software
- Judith Hill, system software
- Keita Iwabuchi, system software
- Harshitha Gopalakrishnan Menon, programming models & compilers
- Sarah Osborn, algorithms
- Ivy Peng, experiments