Discover how the software architecture and storage systems that will drive El Capitan’s performance will help LLNL and the NNSA Tri-Labs push the boundaries of computational science.
Topic: Resource and Workflow Management
As a high school baseball coach, LLNL software developer Chris Moussa understands the value of having teammates you can rely on, which is why he’s especially grateful for his “fantastic” team at work.
Merlin is an open-source workflow orchestration and coordination tool that makes it easy to build, run, and process large-scale workflows.
Flux, next-generation resource and job management software, steps up to support emerging use cases.
Siting a supercomputer requires close coordination of hardware, software, applications, and Livermore Computing facilities.
Combining specialized software tools with heterogeneous HPC hardware requires an intelligent workflow performance optimization strategy.
LLNL is participating in the 34th annual Supercomputing Conference (SC22), which will be held both virtually and in Dallas on November 13–18, 2022.
This 2021 R&D 100 award-winning software solves data center bottlenecks by enabling resource types, schedulers, and framework services to be deployed as data centers evolve.
LLNL participates in the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) on May 30 through June 3.
LLNL participates in the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC22) on May 29 through June 2.
Highlights include response to the COVID-19 pandemic, high-order matrix-free algorithms, and managing memory spaces.
The Maestro Workflow Conductor is a lightweight, open-source Python tool that can launch multi-step software simulation workflows in a clear, concise, consistent, and repeatable manner.
Highlights include CASC director Jeff Hittinger's vision for the center as well as recent work with PruneJuice DataRaceBench, Caliper, and SUNDIALS.
Highlights include complex simulation codes, uncertainty quantification, discrete event simulation, and the Unify file system.
Highlights include recent LDRD projects, Livermore Tomography Tools, our work with the open-source software community, fault recovery, and CEED.
Caliper enables users to build customized performance measurement and analysis solutions by connecting independent context annotations, measurement services, and data processing services.
Cram lets you easily run many small MPI jobs within a single, large MPI job by splitting MPI_COMM_WORLD up into many small communicators to run each job in the cram file independently.