BLAST is a high-order finite element hydrodynamics research code that improves the accuracy of simulations and provides a path to extreme parallel computing and exascale architectures.
This project constructs coarse time grids and uses each solution to improve the next finer-scale solution, simultaneously updating a solution guess over the entire space-time domain.
IPDPS 2022 event calendar
LLNL participates in the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) on May 30 through June 3.
Join ECP birds-of-a-feather days on May 10-12
The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) 2022 Community Birds-of-a-Feather Days will take place May 10–12 via Zoom. The event provides an opportunity for the HPC community to engage with ECP teams to discuss our latest development efforts.
Shining a light on technical excellence
LLNL's DMTS awards program offers advancement for scientific leaders who choose the research track over the management ladder. Read more about computational mathematician Rob Falgout.