The SAMRAI library is the code base in CASC for exploring application, numerical, parallel computing, and software issues associated with structured adaptive mesh refinement.
Simulation workflows for ALE methods often require a manual tuning process. We are developing novel predictive analytics for simulations and an infrastructure for integration of analytics.
AIMS (Analytics and Informatics Management Systems) develops integrated cyberinfrastructure for big climate data discovery, analytics, simulations, and knowledge innovation.
Machine learning tool fills in the blanks for satellite light curves
MuyGPs helps complete and forecast the brightness data of objects viewed by Earth-based telescopes.
Colorado College computer science students spend two immersive weeks at the Lab
Thirteen students traveled to Livermore in early December for a computer science course simulating pond ecology and evolution.
LLNL-led SCREAM team clinches inaugural Gordon Bell Prize for climate modeling
An LLNL-led effort that performed an unprecedented global climate model simulation on the world’s first exascale supercomputer has won the first-ever Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling, ACM officials announced.