COVID-19 Operations
LivIT tackles challenges of workforce safety, telecommuting, cyber security protocols, National Ignition Facility software updates, and more.

From molecular screening, a software platform, and an online data to the computing systems that power these projects.

Deterrence in Cyberspace
LLNL’s cyber programs work across a broad sponsor space to develop technologies addressing sophisticated cyber threats directed at national security and civilian critical infrastructure.

Stefanie Guenther
Lawrence Livermore National Lab has named Stefanie Guenther as Computing’s fourth Sidney Fernbach Postdoctoral Fellow in the Computing Sciences. This highly competitive fellowship is named after…

Rafael Rivera-Soto
Rafael Rivera-Soto is passionate about artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning technologies. He works in LLNL’s Global Security Computing Applications Division, also known as…

Marisa Torres
Marisa Torres, software developer with LLNL’s Global Security Computing Applications Division, combines her love of biology with coding.

S&TR cover story: GUIDEing drug development
The Generative Unconstrained Intelligent Drug Engineering (GUIDE) program accelerates development of medical countermeasure candidates to redefine biological defense.

SC24 event calendar
LLNL is participating in the 36th annual Supercomputing Conference (SC24) in Atlanta on November 17–22, 2024.

Breaking the ICE: ICECap looks to use exascale fusion simulations to pioneer digital design
A groundbreaking multidisciplinary team is combining the power of exascale computing with AI, advanced workflows, and GPU acceleration to advance scientific innovation and revolutionize digital design.