The event marked a monumental achievement with the acceptance and deployment of the first exascale computing system built for the NNSA, a historic milestone in national security and scientific computing recognizing the collaborative efforts of government, industry and scientific leaders.
Topic: Emerging Architectures
SC24, held recently in Atlanta, was a landmark event, setting new records and demonstrating LLNL's unparalleled contributions to HPC innovation and impact.
Two teams led by LLNL computer scientists won Editor’s Awards from HPCwire, a leading high performance computing industry publication, at the 2024 Supercomputing Conference in Atlanta.
On the newest episode of the Big Ideas Lab podcast, listeners will go behind the scenes of LLNL's latest groundbreaking achievement: El Capitan, the world’s most powerful supercomputer.
Verified at 1.742 exaflops (1.742 quintillion calculations per second) on the High Performance Linpack—the standard benchmark used by the Top500 organization to evaluate supercomputing performance—El Capitan is the fastest computing system ever benchmarked.
Oxide Cloud Computer installation at Livermore Computing's HPC center modernizes on-premises cloud computing capabilities for general purpose workloads.
The latest issue of R&D World's magazine showcases LLNL's 2024 winning technologies, including UnifyFS and UMap software projects.
LLNL is participating in the 36th annual Supercomputing Conference (SC24) in Atlanta on November 17–22, 2024.
Livermore’s advances in quantum science research present new paradigms for computing, direct simulation, studying complex quantum phenomena, and unprecedented precision in sensing.
Learn about the game-changing potential of El Capitan and discover how it will not only transform HPC and AI but also revolutionize scientific research across multiple domains.
A groundbreaking multidisciplinary team is combining the power of exascale computing with AI, advanced workflows, and GPU acceleration to advance scientific innovation and revolutionize digital design.
Specialized hardware modules and software libraries to optimize memory access while simultaneously increasing memory capacity for data-intensive applications.
The event attracted more than 60 attendees from diverse sectors and featured discussions aimed at fostering new collaborations with various DOE offices and national labs.
Listen to the latest Big Ideas Lab podcast episode on LLNL supercomputing! This article contains links to the podcast on Spotify and Apple.
The collaboration has enabled expanding systems of the same architecture as LLNL’s upcoming exascale supercomputer, El Capitan, featuring AMD’s cutting-edge MI300A processors.
In a milestone for supercomputing-aided drug design, LLNL and BridgeBio Oncology Therapeutics today announced clinical trials have begun for a first-in-class medication that targets specific genetic mutations implicated in many types of cancer.
UMap uniquely exploits the prominent role of complex memories in today’s servers and offers new capabilities to directly access large memory-mapped datasets.
Discover how the software architecture and storage systems that will drive El Capitan’s performance will help LLNL and the NNSA Tri-Labs push the boundaries of computational science.
Unveiled at the International Supercomputing Conference in Germany, the June 2024 Top500 lists three systems with identical components as registering 19.65 petaflops on the High Performance Linpack benchmark, ranking them among the world’s 50 fastest.
LLNL participates in the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC24) on May 12–16.
The El Capitan Center of Excellence provides a conduit between national labs and commercial vendors, ensuring that the exascale system will meet everyone’s needs.
The system will enable researchers from the National Nuclear Security Administration weapons design laboratories to create models and run simulations, previously considered challenging, time-intensive or impossible, for the maintenance and modernization of the United States’ nuclear weapons stockpile.
Can novel mathematical algorithms help scientific simulations leverage hardware designed for machine learning? A team from LLNL’s Center for Applied Scientific Computing aimed to find out.
A record number of attendees—more than 14,000—experts, researchers, vendors and enthusiasts in the field of HPC descended on the Mile High City for the 2023 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, colloquially known as SC23.