Disclaimer: This article is more than two years old. Developments in science and computing happen quickly, and more up-to-date resources on this topic may be available.

Lawrence Livermore will participate in the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC22) on May 29 through June 2. The event brings together the HPC community—from research centers, commercial companies, academia, national laboratories, government agencies, exhibitors, and more—to share the latest technology of interest to HPC developers and users. Be sure to follow LLNL Computing on Twitter with the #ISC22 hashtag.

The event is being held in Hamburg, Germany, with some online components. Times are listed in UTC +2 (event's local time), which is 9 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time.

Sunday, May 29

Tuesday, May 31

Thursday, June 2

LLNL Committee Members

  • Cody Balos, workshops committee
  • Elsa Gonsiorowski, research papers committee (architecture, networks, and storage)
  • Kathryn Mohror, steering committee, tutorials chair
  • Ivy Peng, research papers committee (performance modeling, evaluation, and analysis)
  • Thomas Scogland, research papers committee (programming environments and systems software)