
The SUNDIALS Team: Carol S. Woodward, Daniel R. Reynolds, Alan C. Hindmarsh, David J. GardnerCody J. Balos, and Steven Roberts. We thank Radu Serban for significant and critical past contributions.

We also acknowledge past contributions of Mustafa Aggul, James Almgren-Bell, Lawrence E. Banks, Peter N. Brown, George Byrne, Rujeko Chinomona, Scott D. Cohen, Aaron Collier, Keith E. Grant, Steven L. Lee, Shelby L. Lockhart, John Loffeld, Daniel McGreer, Yu Pan, Slaven Peles, Cosmin Petra, H. Hunter Schwartz, Jean M. Sexton, Dan Shumaker, Steve G. Smith, Shabaj Sohal, Allan G. Taylor, Hilari C. Tiedeman, Chris White, Ting Yan, and Ulrike M. Yang.


We thank the Department of Energy (DOE) Exascale Computing Project, the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research SciDAC Program, and the LLNL ISCP Program for their current support. We gratefully acknowledge the NNSA ASC Program, the LLNL Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program, and the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Advanced Grid Modeling Program for their prior support.