Latest release (June 2024)

Our latest release, v7.1.1, provides robust and uniform error handling throughout the suite, streamlines our Fortran 2003 interface modules, creates a unified user interface for setting options in ARKODE, adds hooks for user-provided plugins, and makes several other enhancements. The complete list of all changes is available on GitHub.

Starting with version 2024a interfaces to CVODE, CVODES, IDA, and IDAS are shipped as part of MATLAB's new framework for solving ODEs. As of September 2016 we are no longer updating sundialsTB and have gotten reports of it being broken. As such, we have removed sundialsTB from the distribution until the development team has some cycles to spend updating it. The sundialsTB Matlab toolbox was included in releases of SUNDIALS v2.4.0-2.6.2, although it was not updated for the 2.6.x releases. 

We are very grateful to our user community and continue to appreciate user bug reports and suggestions. To send suggestions, report bugs, or inquire about general usage, we ask that you subscribe to our User Mailing List. Through this list, you will get updates and gain access to our vibrant user community. When submitting information about a bug, please include as much relevant information as possible, including the package and version number being used. For compile and runtime problems, please include the machine type, operating system, third party library (e.g., MPI) implementation, compiler, and any error messages produced. As of January 2019, SUNDIALS also accepts contributions via pull requests to the SUNDIALS GitHub repository. Before contributing we ask that you review our Contributing Agreement.

Users interested in more than one of the SUNDIALS packages are encouraged to download the entire suite at the same time. This reduces the risk of using incompatible versions of the packages and shared modules.

The SUNDIALS packages are released open source, under a BSD license. The only requirements of the BSD license are preservation of copyright and a standard disclaimer of liability.

**Please Note** If you are using SUNDIALS with any third party libraries linked in (e.g., LAPACK, KLU, SuperLU_MT, PETSc, or hypre), be sure to review the respective license of the package as that license may have more restrictive terms than the SUNDIALS license. For example, if someone builds SUNDIALS with a statically linked KLU, the build is subject to terms of the LGPL license (which is what KLU is released with) and *not* the SUNDIALS BSD license anymore.

If necessary, for users who are unable to download SUNDIALS from GitHub (e.g., due to employer restrictions), we can provide a SUNDIALS download via alternative mechanisms. Contact us for further information.

Software Releases

VersionDateProject Resource
SUNDIALS v7.1.12024-06-26Online documentation (PDF documentation is available in the downloadable source distribution)
CVODE v7.1.12024-06-26

CVODE online documentation

CVODE examples guide

CVODES v7.1.12024-06-26

CVODES online documentation

CVODES examples guide

ARKODE v7.1.12024-06-26

ARKODE online documentation

ARKODE examples guide

IDA v7.1.12024-06-26

IDA online documentation

IDA examples guide

IDAS v7.1.12024-06-26

IDAS online documentation

IDAS examples guide

KINSOL v7.1.12024-06-26

KINSOL online documentation

KINSOL examples guide


SUNDIALS v7.1.02024-06-2088.8 MB
SUNDIALS v7.0.02024-02-2987.6 MB
SUNDIALS v6.7.02023-12-1887.40 MB
SUNDIALS v6.6.22023-11-0686.40 MB
SUNDIALS v6.6.12023-09-1486.30 MB
SUNDIALS v6.6.02023-07-1587.40 MB
SUNDIALS v6.5.12023-03-3085.90 MB
SUNDIALS v6.5.02022-12-2185.00 MB
SUNDIALS v6.4.12022-10-3184.90 MB
SUNDIALS v6.4.02022-10-2185.10 MB
SUNDIALS v6.3.02022-08-1084.50 MB
SUNDIALS v6.2.02022-04-2278.60 MB
SUNDIALS 6.1.12022-02-1178.00 MB
SUNDIALS 6.1.02022-01-1278.00 MB
SUNDIALS 6.0.02021-12-1578.10 MB (documentation sources added)
SUNDIALS 5.8.02021-09-3024.00 MB
SUNDIALS 5.7.02020-01-2921.50 MB
SUNDIALS 5.6.12020-12-1622.22 MB
SUNDIALS 5.6.02020-12-1122.21 MB
SUNDIALS 5.5.02020-11-0221.97 MB
SUNDIALS 5.4.02020-09-2318.36 MB
SUNDIALS 5.2.02020-03-3117.78 MB
SUNDIALS 5.1.02020-01-0617.64 MB
SUNDIALS 5.0.02019-10-2117.95 MB
SUNDIALS 5.0.0-dev.22019-09-1617.65 MB
SUNDIALS 5.0.0-dev.12019-06-2417.49 MB
SUNDIALS 5.0.0-dev.02019-03-2816.82 MB
SUNDIALS 4.1.02019-02-1316.42 MB
SUNDIALS 4.0.22019-01-2216.39 MB
SUNDIALS 4.0.12018-12-1916.4 MB
SUNDIALS 4.0.02018-12-0715.62 MB
SUNDIALS 3.2.12018-10-1714.27 MB
SUNDIALS 4.0.0-dev.22018-09-2814.94 MB
SUNDIALS 3.2.02018-09-2817.49 MB
SUNDIALS 4.0.0-dev.12018-07-3115.29 MB
SUNDIALS 3.1.22018-07-3117.37 MB
SUNDIALS 4.0.0-dev2018-05-0714.43 MB
SUNDIALS 3.1.12018-05-0714.26 MB
SUNDIALS 3.1.02017-11-0712.43 MB
SUNDIALS 3.0.02017-10-2612.39 MB
SUNDIALS 2.7.02016-09-2611.69 MB
SUNDIALS 2.6.22015-08-0312.42 MB
SUNDIALS 2.6.12015-03-3011.88 MB
SUNDIALS 2.6.02015-03-1212.18 MB
SUNDIALS 2.4.02009-05-157.73 MB
SUNDIALS 2.3.02006-11-126.17 MB
SUNDIALS 2.2.02006-03-149.79 MB
SUNDIALS 2.1.12005-05-057.12 MB
SUNDIALS 2.0.22005-03-197.16 MB
SUNDIALS 2.02004-12-047.57 MB
SUNDIALS 1.02002-07-073.4 MB
CVODE 1.02000-03-01267.06 KB
PVODE 1.02000-08-05236.68 KB
IDA 1.02001-10-10301.9 KB
KINSOL 1.02001-12-11248.18 KB