Math for Data Mining
Newly developed mathematical techniques reveal important tools for data mining analysis.
Phase-Field Modeling
Based on a discretization and time-stepping algorithm, these equations include a local order parameter, a quaternion representation of local orientation, and species composition.
First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
This scalable first-principles MD algorithm with O(N) complexity and controllable accuracy is capable of simulating systems that were previously impossible with such accuracy.
Open source is fueling the future of nuclear physics
Open-source software has played a key role in paving the way for LLNL's ignition breakthrough, and will continue to help push the field forward.
Chandrika Kamath honored as 2023 SIAM fellow
The prestigious fellow designation is a lifetime honorific title and honors SIAM members who have made outstanding contributions to fields served by the organization.
Patent for reduced order modeling method boosts lattice design optimization
A new component-wise reduced order modeling method enables high-fidelity lattice design optimization.