Topological Analysis
LLNL and University of Utah researchers have developed an advanced, intuitive method for analyzing and visualizing complex data sets.
The NSDE project is focused on research and development of nonlinear solvers and sensitivity analysis techniques for nonlinear, time-dependent, and steady-state partial differential equations.
The flourishing of simulation-based scientific discovery has also resulted in the emergence of the UQ discipline, which is essential for validating and verifying computer models.
MFEM workshop showcases application variety and broad impact
The second annual MFEM workshop brought together the project’s global user and developer community for technical talks, Q&A, and more.
SUNDIALS team wins prestigious SIAM/ACM Prize
The prestigious award is handed out every two years and recognizes outstanding contributions to the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for the solution of science and engineering problems.
DOE funds LLNL project to improve differentiation of extreme-scale science apps
Researchers will address the challenge of efficiently differentiating large-scale applications for the DOE by building on advances in LLNL’s MFEM finite element library and MIT’s Enzyme AD tool.