libROM is a library designed to facilitate Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) based Reduced Order Modeling (ROM).
Floating Point Compression
High-precision numerical data from computer simulations, observations, and experiments is often represented in floating point and can easily reach terabytes to petabytes of storage.
The Earth System Grid Federation is a web-based tool set that powers most global climate change research.
Kevin McLoughlin
Kevin McLoughlin has always been fascinated by the intersection of computing and biology. His LLNL career encompasses award-winning microbial detection technology, a COVID-19 antiviral drug design…
Brian Gallagher
Brian Gallagher works on applications of machine learning for a variety of science and national security questions. He’s also a group leader, student mentor, and the new director of LLNL’s Data…
Nisha Mulakken
Nisha Mulakken is advancing COVID-19 R&D and mentoring the next generation. “The opportunities we are exposed to early in our careers can shape the limits we place on ourselves and our…
S&TR cover story: GUIDEing drug development
The Generative Unconstrained Intelligent Drug Engineering (GUIDE) program accelerates development of medical countermeasure candidates to redefine biological defense.
SC24 event calendar
LLNL is participating in the 36th annual Supercomputing Conference (SC24) in Atlanta on November 17–22, 2024.
Video: Update on the El Capitan supercomputer
Learn about the game-changing potential of El Capitan and discover how it will not only transform HPC and AI but also revolutionize scientific research across multiple domains.