Quandary is an open-source C++ package for optimal control of quantum systems on classical high performance computing platforms.
Backlighter Tech
The latest generation of a laser beam–delay technique owes its success to collaboration, dedication, and innovation.
Automated Testing System
LLNL’s Python 3–based ATS tool provides scientific code teams with automated regression testing across HPC architectures.
Kim Ferrari
Ferrari leads a group of developers and quality assurance personnel who support software that runs 24/7/365.
Lauren-Jiavanna Morita
Software developer Lauren Morita is improving an application for tracking and managing radioactive hazardous waste. In the APAC networking group, she also helps enhance employees’ work experience…
Angeline Lee
Angeline Lee simultaneously serves as a group leader, contributes to programmatic projects, and studies for her bachelor’s degree.
The lab that launched a thousand software projects
Release the codes! With a dynamic developer community and a long history of encouraging open-source software, LLNL has reached quadruple-digit GitHub offerings.
Register for HPC tutorials in August
Learn how to use a modern, open-source HPC software stack! Throughout August, join our tutorials on how to install and use several projects on AWS EC2 instances. No previous experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome.
Road to El Capitan 9: Messaging and math
The advent of accelerated processing units presents new challenges and opportunities for teams responsible for network interconnects and math libraries.