Topic: Discrete Mathematics

Highlights include complex simulation codes, uncertainty quantification, discrete event simulation, and the Unify file system.

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Highlights include the directorate's annual external review, machine learning for ALE simulations, CFD modeling for low-carbon solutions, seismic modeling, and an in-line floating point compression tool.

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The Extreme Resilient Discretization project (ExReDi) was established to address these challenges for algorithms common for fluid and plasma simulations.


GLVis is a lightweight tool for accurate and flexible finite element visualization that provides interactive visualizations of general FE meshes and solutions.


High-resolution finite volume methods are being developed for solving problems in complex phase space geometries, motivated by kinetic models of fusion plasmas.


These methods for solving hyperbolic wave propagation problems allow for complex geometries, realistic boundary and interface conditions, and arbitrary heterogeneous material properties.


BLAST is a high-order finite element hydrodynamics research code that improves the accuracy of simulations and provides a path to extreme parallel computing and exascale architectures.
