Automated Testing System
LLNL’s Python 3–based ATS tool provides scientific code teams with automated regression testing across HPC architectures.

The RADIUSS project aims to lower cost and improve agility by encouraging adoption of our core open-source software products for use in institutional applications.

The Software Development Resource Center connects developers across LLNL through best practices in software tools, development methodologies, DevOps, security compliance, and more.

Bianca Toledo
UX designer Bianca Toledo helps make government applications more human-centric, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. She joined the Lab in 2019 to find meaning in her work.

Jarom Nelson
As group leader and application developer in the Global Security Computing Applications Division, Jarom Nelson develops intrusion detection and access control software.

Vanessa Sochat
Computer scientist Vanessa Sochat isn’t afraid to meet new experiences head on. With a Stanford PhD and a jump-right-in attitude, she joined LLNL to work on the BUILD project, Spack package…

Road to El Capitan 9: Messaging and math
The advent of accelerated processing units presents new challenges and opportunities for teams responsible for network interconnects and math libraries.

Machine learning tool fills in the blanks for satellite light curves
MuyGPs helps complete and forecast the brightness data of objects viewed by Earth-based telescopes.

Robust verification of control system enables NIF software updates
NIF Computing deploys regular updates to its computer control systems to ensure NIF continues to achieve ignition.