Anna Maria Bailey, LLNL’s Chief Engineer for HPC and a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, has enjoyed her “many careers” at the Lab and the ability to jump around to follow her interests.
Topic: Careers
From wind tunnels and cardiovascular electrodes to the futuristic world of exascale computing, Brian Gunney has been finding solutions for unsolvable problems.
As CTO of Livermore Computing, de Supinski is responsible for formulating, overseeing, and implementing LLNL’s large-scale computing strategy, requiring managing multiple collaborations with the HPC industry and academia.
Lori Diachin will take over as director of the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project on June 1, guiding the successful, multi-institutional high performance computing effort through its final stages.
An LLNL Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Gokhale is considered an expert in her field, and continues to enjoy the fast pace of innovation and change in computing.
An LLNL Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Falgout is still finding the fun in problem solving as project leader for two of CASC’s most cutting-edge multigrid method computing projects, hypre and XBraid.
LLNL’s archives recount the contributions of women who developed code during the Lab's early decades.
The prestigious fellow designation is a lifetime honorific title and honors SIAM members who have made outstanding contributions to fields served by the organization.
Ferrari leads a group of developers and quality assurance personnel who support software that runs 24/7/365.
Women data scientists, Lab employees, and other attendees interested in the field gathered at the Livermore Valley Open Campus for the annual Livermore Women in Data Science (WiDS) regional event held in conjunction with the global WiDS conference.
“I am delighted to be recognized by HPCwire,” Quinn said. “I feel the recognition has as much to do with the stature of Livermore Computing as the opportunity I’ve had to contribute. "
LLNL’s archives provide a glimpse into the career and contributions of a computing pioneer.
Tony Baylis, LLNL Office of Strategic Diversity and Inclusion Programs director and SC23 inclusivity co-chair, has devoted more than three decades to building partnerships and collaborations that exemplify the tenets of DEI.
Register by February 27 for this free, hybrid Women in Data Science event. Everyone is welcome.
Computer scientist Johannes Doerfert was recognized as a 2023 BSSw fellow. He plans to use the funding to create videos about best practices for interacting with compilers.
The ACM recognized him for his contributions to the design of large-scale systems and their programming systems and software.
An LLNL Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Carol Woodward consults on a diverse array of projects at the Lab and beyond. “It’s nice because it means I can work at the same place and not just do one thing for a long time,” she says.
After 15 years in the Lab’s Finance/Payroll organization, Nicole changed her career to become a Computing project manager.
As Computing’s sixth Fernbach Fellow, postdoctoral researcher Chen Wang will work on a new I/O programming paradigm and improve HPC storage consistency models under the mentorship of Kathryn Mohror.
The Lab's first-ever on-site career fair was a resounding success, with more than 500 people attending the onsite event to learn about career opportunities.
An LLNL Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Todd Gamblin leads the Spack project, an open-source package manager with a rapidly growing global community that has changed the way people use HPC software.
Software developer Lauren Morita is improving an application for tracking and managing radioactive hazardous waste. In the APAC networking group, she also helps enhance employees’ work experience.
The third article in a series about the Lab's stockpile stewardship mission highlights the people who make it happen.
LLNL participates in the CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference (Tapia2022) on September 7–10.
Computing’s annual Developer Day held a hybrid event on July 21 with lightning talks, a town hall discussion, and guest speakers.