One of the most widely used tactical simulations in the world, JCATS is installed in hundreds of U.S. military and civilian organizations, in NATO, and in more than 30 countries.
From molecular screening, a software platform, and an online data to the computing systems that power these projects.
COVID-19 Operations
LivIT tackles challenges of workforce safety, telecommuting, cyber security protocols, National Ignition Facility software updates, and more.
Stephanie Brink
Computing relies on engineers like Stephanie Brink to keep the legacy codes running smoothly. “You’re only as fast as your slowest processor or your slowest function,” says Brink, who works in…
Louella Panaga
The Lab is in many ways similar to a small city, and people like Louella Panaga help keep it operational day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute.
Jorge Castro Morales
Jorge Castro Morales likes having different responsibilities at work. He says, “I’m honored to be working with a diverse team of multidisciplinary experts to resolve very complex problems on a…
Summer hackathon addresses Lab's many acronyms, plus other projects (SHALMA-POP)
This season’s hackathon featured Lab improvement projects, work tasks, and personal enrichment.
VisIt project team adds color usability improvements
The Lab’s workhorse visualization tool provides expanded color map features, including for visually impaired users.
AWS tutorials are returning in August
Learn how to use LLNL software in the cloud. Throughout August, join our tutorials on how to install and use several projects on AWS EC2 instances. No previous experience necessary.