See also Dr. Kamath's bibliography at



J. Franzman, “Understanding the Effects of Tapering on Gaussian Process Regression,” student poster, Student and Post-Doc Poster Session, Conference on Data Analysis, February 25-27, 2020, Santa Fe, NM.

R. B. Ponmalai, “Self-Organizing Maps and Their Applications to Data Analysis,” student poster, Student and Post-Doc Poster Session, Conference on Data Analysis, February 25-27, 2020, Santa Fe, NM. Honorable Mention.

C. Kamath, “Building High-Density, Additively-Manufactured Metal Parts - A Retrospective Look from a Data Analysis Perspective,” invited presentation, Conference on Data Analysis, February 25-27, 2020, Santa Fe, NM.


C. Kamath, “Compressing unstructured mesh data from simulations using machine learning,” International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Volume 9, pp. 113-130, 2020.



Chandrika Kamath, “Intelligent Exploration of Large-Scale Data: What Can We Learn in Two Passes?” Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, pp. 1831-1840, Los Angeles, CA, December 2019.

C. Kamath, “Selecting parameters for image processing algorithms: A case study using retinal image segmentation,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2019.

R. Ponmalai and C. Kamath, “Self-Organizing Maps and Their Applications to Data Analysis,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-791165, 20 September 2019.

J. Franzman and C. Kamath, “Understanding the Effects of Tapering on Gaussian Process Regression,” LLNL-TR-787826. 19 August 2019.

Additive Manufacturing

Z. Li, T. Voisin, J. T. McKeown, J. Ye, T. Braun, C. Kamath, W. E. King, and Y. Morris Wang, “Tensile properties, strain rate sensitivity, and activation volume of additively manufactured 316L stainless steels,” International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 120, September 2019, pp. 395-410.



C. Kamath and Y. J. Fan, “Regression with Small Data Sets: A Case Study using Code Surrogates in Additive Manufacturing,” Knowledge and Information Systems Journal, Volume 57, Number 2, November 2018, pp. 475-493.


C. Kamath and Y. J. Fan, “Compressing Unstructured Mesh Data Using Spline Fits, Compressed Sensing, and Regression Methods,” IEEE GlobalSIP, November 2018, Anaheim, CA, pp. 316-320.

Additive Manufacturing

Y. Wang, C. Kamath, T. Voisin, and Z. Li, “A processing diagram for high-density Ti-6Al-4V by selective laser melting,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Volume 24, Issue 9, pp. 1469-1478, 2018.



C. Kamath, “Learning to compress unstructured mesh data from simulations,” IEEE/ACM/ASA International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2017), Tokyo, Japan, October 19-21, 2017.

Additive Manufacturing

C. Kamath, “Determination of Process Parameters for High-Density, Ti-6Al-4V Parts Using Additive Manufacturing,” LLNL Technical Report, LLNL-TR-736642, August 2017.



Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath, “Detecting ramp events in wind energy generation using affinity evaluation on weather data,” Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2016, pp. 155-173.


Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath, “A comparison of compressed sensing and sparse recovery algorithms applied to simulation data,” Statistics, Optimization, and Information Computing, Vol. 4, Issue 3, September 2016, pp. 194-213.

Additive Manufacturing

C. Kamath, “Data Mining and Statistical Inference in Selective Laser Melting,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 86, Issue 5, pp. 1659-1677, September 2016.

C. Kamath, “On the use of data mining to build high-density, additively-manufactured parts,” invited book chapter, Information Science for Materials Discovery and Design, T. Lookman, F. Alexander, and K. Rajan (eds.) in Springer Series in Materials Science, 225, pp. 141-155, 2016.



C. Kamath, “Data Mining and Analysis,” invited contribution, Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics, Princeton University Press, pp. 350-360, September 2015.

Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath, “Identifying and Exploiting Diurnal Motifs in Wind Generation Time Series Data,” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 29, Number 2, 1550012-1 - 1550012-25, March 2015.


Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath. “On the Selection of Dimension Reduction Techniques for Scientific Applications,” in Real World Data Mining Application, Springer Annals of Information Systems, Volume 17, pp. 91-122, 2015.


J. Iverson, C. Kamath, and G. Karypis, “Evaluation of connected-component labeling algorithms for distributed-memory systems,” Parallel Computing, Vol. 44, May 2015, pp. 53-68.

Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath, “Practical considerations in applying compressed sensing to simulation data,” Data Compression Conference, Utah, April 2015.

Additive Manufacturing

W. E. King, A. T. Anderson, R. M. Ferencz, N. E. Hodge, C. Kamath, S. A. Khairallah, and A. Rubenchik, “Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of metals; physics, computational, and materials challenges,” Applied Physics Reviews, Volume 2, 041304, 2015.

C. Kamath, “Identifying process parameters for high-density 316L SS by combining simulations and experiments using data mining,” Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, TX, August 10-12, 2015.

W. King, A. T. Anderson, R. M. Ferencz, N. E. Hodge, C. Kamath, and S. A. Khairallah, “Overview of modelling and simulation of metal powder–bed fusion process at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,” Materials Science and Technology, Materials Science and Technology, Volume 31, Issue 8, June 2015, pp. 957-968.

C. Kamath, “Data mining and statistical inference in selective laser melting,” Invited presentation, International Symposium on Big Data and Predictive Computational Modeling, TU Munich, May 18-21, 2015.



C. Kamath and Y. J. Fan, “Incremental SVD for Insight into Wind Generation,” 13th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Detroit, MI, December 3-6, 2014.

Additive Manufacturing

C. Kamath, “Mining Science Data: Challenges and Opportunities,” Computer Science and Engineering Colloquium, University of Nevada, Reno, October 2014.

W. E. King, H. D. Barth, V. M. Castillo, G. F. Gallegos, J. W. Gibbs, D. E. Hahn, C. Kamath, and A. M. Rubenchik, “Observation of keyhole-mode laser melting in laser powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214, pp. 2915-2925, 2014.

C. Kamath, B. El-dasher, G. F. Gallegos, W. E. King, and A. Sisto, “Density of additively-manufactured, 316L SS parts using laser powder-bed fusion at powers up to 400 W,” Int J Adv Manuf Technol. Volume 74, Issue 1, pp. 65-78, 2014.

C. Kamath, “Data Mining in Materials Science,” invited presentation, Informatics in Materials Design and Discovery conference, February 5-6, 2014, Santa Fe, NM.



Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath, Detecting changes in weather data streams for wind energy prediction,” SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2013.

Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath, “Determining number of motifs in wind generation time series data,” SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2013.

C. Kamath, “Data analysis meets modeling and simulation,” presentation, Future Directions Panel on “Big Data Meets Big Models,” SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Boston, MA, February 2013.


C. Kamath and Y. J. Fan, “Data Mining in Materials Science and Engineering,” book chapter in Informatics for Materials Science and Engineering: Data-driven Discovery for Accelerated Experimentation and Application, K. Rajan (ed.), pp. 17-36, Elsevier, 2013.

Additive Manufacturing

A. Sisto and C. Kamath, “Ensemble Feature Selection in Scientific Data Analysis,” LLNL Technical Report, LLNL-TR-644160, September 2013.

W. E. King, H. Barth, V. Castillo, G. Gallegos, J. Gibbs, D. Hahn, and C. Kamath, “Observation of Keyhole mode laser melting in laser powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing,” International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, August 2013.



C. Kamath and Y. J. Fan, “Using Data Mining to Enable Integration of Wind Resources on the Power Grid,” Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2012, pp. 410-427.

J. Manobianco, E. J. Natenberg, K. Waight, G. Van Knowe, J. Zack, D. Hanley, and C. Kamath, “Limited area model-based data impact studies to improve short-range wind power forecasting,” 16th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 2012.


C. Kamath, “Dimension reduction for streaming data,” book chapter in Data Intensive Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications, Ian Gorton and Deb Gracio (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 124-156.

C. Kamath and Y. J. Fan, “Finding motifs in wind generation time series data,” International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Boca Raton, FL, December 12-15, 2012.


C. Kamath, “Final report: MINDES - Data Mining for Inverse Design,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-583076, September 2012.

C. Kamath, “Analysis of the formation enthalpy dataset,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-582974, September 2012.

C. Kamath, “Analysis of the band gap type dataset,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-577712, August 2012.

Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath, “A comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques in scientific applications,” SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, NC, April 2-4, 2012.


J. Iverson, Y. J. Fan, G. Karypis, and C. Kamath, “Exa-DM: Enabling Scientific Discovery in Exascale Simulations,” poster and presentation at the DOE Exascale Research Conference, October 2012.

J. Iverson, C. Kamath, and G. Karypis, “Fast and effective lossy compression algorithms for scientific datasets,” Euro-Par Conference, Rhodes Island, Greece, August 27-31, 2012.

C. Kamath, J. Iverson, R. Kirk, and G. Karypis, “Detection of Coherent Structures in Extreme-Scale Simulations,” DOE Exascale Research Conference, Portland, OR, April 16-18, 2012.



M. Ndoye and C. Kamath, “Pattern analysis in wind power time series – early results,” poster, Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding, Mountain View, CA, October 2011.

C. Kamath, “WindSENSE Project Summary: FY2009-2011,” LLNL Technical Report, LLNL-TR-501376, September 2011.

J. Zack, E. J. Natenberg, G. V. Knowe, K. Waight, J. Manobianco, D. Hanley, and C. Kamath, Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) for the mid-Columbia Basin,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-499162, September 2011.

J. Zack, E. J. Natenberg, G. V. Knowe, J. Manobianco, K. Waight, D. Hanley, and C. Kamath, “Use of data denial experiments to evaluate ESA forecast sensitivity patterns,” LLNL Technical Report, LLNL-TR-499166, September 2011.

C. Kamath, “Associating Weather Conditions with Ramp Events in Wind Power Generation,” 2011 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference & Exposition, March 20-23, 2011, Phoenix, AZ. LLNL-CONF-457176

E. J. Natenberg, S. Young, G. Van Knowe, J. Zack, J. Manobianco, and C. Kamath, “Observational Targeting Using Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis to Improve Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting in the Mid-Columbia Basin,” Second Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy, AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 23-27, 2011, LLNL-ABS-448126.


C. Kamath, “Subspace tracking for dimension reduction in streaming data,” SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Reno, NV< February 28-March 4, 2011. LLNL-ABS-451154


Y. J. Fan and C. Kamath. “Intrinsic Dimensionality Using Non-linear Dimension Reduction Techniques,” Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011.


GSEP Analysis

C. Kamath, Y. Xiao, and Z. Lin. “Analysis of structures and event size statistics in plasma turbulence: Preliminary results,” International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Seattle, WA, April 2010. LLNL-ABS-424546


J. Zack, E. J. Natenberg, S. Young, G. V. Knowe, K. Waight, J. Manobianco, and C. Kamath, “Application of ensemble sensitivity analysis to observation targeting for short term wind speed forecasting in the Tehachapi region winter season,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-460956, October 2010.

J. Zack, E. J. Natenberg, S. Young, G. V. Knowe, K. Waight, J. Manobianco, and C. Kamath, “Application of ensemble sensitivity analysis to observation targeting for short term wind speed forecasting in the Washington-Oregon region,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-458086, October 2010. LLNL-TR-458086

E. J. Natenberg, J. Zack, S. Young, J. Manobianco, and C. Kamath, “A new approach using targeted observations to improve short term wind power forecasts,” AWEA WindPower 2010 Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, May 2010. LLNL-ABS-416821

C. Kamath, “Understanding wind ramp events through analysis of historical data,” IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2010. LLNL-CONF-416432

J. Zack, E. J. Natenberg, S. Young, J. Manobianco, and C. Kamath, “Application of ensemble sensitivity analysis to observational targeting for short term wind speed forecasting,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-424442, February 2010.

C. Kamath, “Using simple statistical analysis of historical data to understand wind ramp events,” LLNL Technical Report LLNL-TR-423242, February 2010.

E. J. Natenberg, J. Zack, S. Young, R. Torn, J. Manobianco, and C. Kamath, “Application of ensemble sensitivity analysis to observational targeting for wind power forecasting,” 14th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), AMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 2010. LLNL-ABS-415754


Blob Tracking

N. S. Love and C. Kamath, “Image Analysis for the Identification of Coherent Structures in Plasma,” Applications of Digital Image Processing, XXX, SPIE Conference 6696, San Diego, August 2007. UCRL-CONF-233180


Poincaré Plots

A. Bagherjeiran and C. Kamath, “Graph-based Methods for Orbit Classification,” Sixth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Bethesda, April 2006. UCRL-CONF-215802


Poincaré Plots

A. Bagherjeiran and C. Kamath, “Graph-based Techniques for Orbit Classification: Early Results,” LLNL Technical Report UCRL-TR-215690, September 2005. UCRL-TR-215690