BUILD tackles the complexities of HPC software integration with dependency compatibility models, binary analysis tools, efficient logic solvers, and configuration optimization techniques.
ASC Proxy Apps
Proxy apps serve as specific targets for testing and simulation without the time, effort, and expertise that porting or changing most production codes would require.
Maestro Workflow Conductor
The Maestro Workflow Conductor is a lightweight, open-source Python tool that can launch multi-step software simulation workflows in a clear, concise, consistent, and repeatable manner.
Kathryn Mohror
Kathryn Mohror develops tools that give researchers the information they need to tune their programs and maximize results. After all, she says, “It’s all about getting the answers more quickly.”…
Road to El Capitan 8: Prepping for performance
The Tools Working Group delivers debugging, correctness, and performance analysis solutions at an unprecedented scale.
Road to El Capitan 6: Modern compilers
Compilers translate human-programmable source code into machine-readable code. Building a compiler is especially challenging in the exascale era.
Road to El Capitan 10: Collaboration is key
The El Capitan Center of Excellence provides a conduit between national labs and commercial vendors, ensuring that the exascale system will meet everyone’s needs.