BUILD tackles the complexities of HPC software integration with dependency compatibility models, binary analysis tools, efficient logic solvers, and configuration optimization techniques.

ASC Proxy Apps
Proxy apps serve as specific targets for testing and simulation without the time, effort, and expertise that porting or changing most production codes would require.

Maestro Workflow Conductor
The Maestro Workflow Conductor is a lightweight, open-source Python tool that can launch multi-step software simulation workflows in a clear, concise, consistent, and repeatable manner.

Kathryn Mohror
Kathryn Mohror develops tools that give researchers the information they need to tune their programs and maximize results. After all, she says, “It’s all about getting the answers more quickly.”…

Big Ideas Lab podcast episode details history of LLNL supercomputing
Listen to the latest Big Ideas Lab podcast episode on LLNL supercomputing! This article contains links to the podcast on Spotify and Apple.

LLNL’s Mohror honored with prestigious technical computing award
The Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (SIGHPC) has awarded Kathryn Mohror with its prestigious Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing (EWLTC) Award.

Lab scientists win R&D 100 awards
An optics element team and two open-source software teams (UMap and UnifyFS) are LLNL's winners of this year's awards.