LLNL Computing’s ground-breaking research and development activities, innovative technologies, and world-class staff are often featured in various media outlets.

Source: LLNL News
LLNL’s Doerfert named Better Scientific Software fellow
Computer scientist Johannes Doerfert was recognized as a 2023 BSSw fellow. He plans to use the funding to create videos about best practices for interacting with compilers.
Awards Careers Compiler Technology HPC Systems and Software Software Engineering

Source: LLNL News
Lawrence Livermore’s Discovery Center to reopen to visitors
Discovery Center reopens to visitors on Feb. 1, after nearly three years of closure due to COVID-19, featuring renovations and new exhibits.

Source: LLNL News
Skywing: open-source software aids collaborative autonomy applications
Collaborative autonomy software apps allow networked devices to detect, gather, identify and interpret data; defend against cyber-attacks; and continue to operate despite infiltration.
AI/ML Computational Science Critical Infrastructure Cyber Security Data Science Open-Source Software

Source: YouTube
Video: Hackathon puts machine learning in the driver’s seat
From our fall 2022 hackathon, watch as participants trained an autonomous race car with reinforcement learning algorithms.
AI/ML Cloud Services Data Science Deep Learning Hackathons Information Technology Multimedia Scientific Cloud Computing

Source: LLNL News
New HPC4EI project to create 'digital twin' models for aerospace manufacturing
A new collaboration will leverage advanced LLNL-developed software to create a “digital twin” of the near-net shape mill-products system for producing aerospace parts.
AI/ML Collaborations Computational Science Data Science Materials Science

Source: LLNL News
Bronis de Supinski named 2022 ACM fellow
The ACM recognized him for his contributions to the design of large-scale systems and their programming systems and software.

Source: Science & Technology Review
High Performance Storage System: Taking the long view
A multidecade, multi-laboratory collaboration evolves scalable long-term data storage and retrieval solutions to survive the march of time.
Collaborations HPC Systems and Software Storage, File Systems, and I/O

Source: Science & Technology Review
Cognitive simulation supercharges scientific research
Adding machine learning and other artificial intelligence methods to the feedback cycle of experimentation and computer modeling can accelerate scientific discovery.

Source: LLNL Computing
Best paper winner improves scientific workflow performance
Combining specialized software tools with heterogeneous HPC hardware requires an intelligent workflow performance optimization strategy.
Biology/Biomedicine Collaborations Computational Science HPC Architectures HPC Systems and Software Hybrid/Heterogeneous Open-Source Software Performance, Portability, and Productivity Resource and Workflow Management Scientific Cloud Computing

Source: LLNL Computing
CASC Newsletter | Vol 12 | November 2022
Highlights include MFEM community workshops, compiler co-design, HPC standards committees, and AI/ML for national security.
AI/ML Biology/Biomedicine Co-Design Collaborations Compiler Technology Computational Math Computational Science Computer Vision Data Science Deep Learning Discrete Mathematics Exascale HPC Systems and Software Natural Language Processing Open-Source Software Performance, Portability, and Productivity Programming Languages and Models

Source: LLNL Computing
MFEM workshop showcases application variety and broad impact
The second annual MFEM workshop brought together the project’s global user and developer community for technical talks, Q&A, and more.
Computational Math Computational Science Discrete Mathematics Events Open-Source Software Outreach PDE Methods Software Libraries

Source: LLNL Computing
SC22 event calendar
LLNL is participating in the 34th annual Supercomputing Conference (SC22), which will be held both virtually and in Dallas on November 13–18, 2022.
Data Compression Data Movement and Memory Data Science Debugging and Correctness Emerging Architectures Events Exascale HPC Architectures HPC Systems and Software Hybrid/Heterogeneous Outreach Performance, Portability, and Productivity Programming Languages and Models Quantum Computing Resource and Workflow Management Software Build and Installation

Source: LLNL Computing
Hackathon puts machine learning in the driver’s seat
In a time-trial competition, participants trained an autonomous race car with reinforcement learning algorithms.
AI/ML Cloud Services Data Science Deep Learning Hackathons Information Technology Scientific Cloud Computing

Source: LLNL Computing
CASC collaboration with Duke University wins best paper award
Presented at the 2022 International Conference on Computational Science, the team’s research introduces metrics that can improve the accuracy of blood flow simulations.
Awards Biology/Biomedicine Collaborations Computational Science Hydrodynamics

Source: LLNL Computing
Celebrating 10 years of hackathons
After 10 years and 33 hackathons, nothing can stop this beloved tradition.

Source: LLNL Computing
Tapia2022 event calendar
LLNL participates in the CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference (Tapia2022) on September 7–10.
Careers Data Science DevOps Community Events HPC Architectures HPC Systems and Software Hybrid/Heterogeneous Outreach Software Engineering

Source: LLNL Computing
Developer Day returns for the sixth year
Computing’s annual Developer Day held a hybrid event on July 21 with lightning talks, a town hall discussion, and guest speakers.
Careers Cyber Research Cyber Security Emerging Architectures Events Quantum Computing Software Engineering Software Quality Assurance

Source: LLNL Computing
Sandia leverages Livermore’s open-source software for new website
A Sandia National Laboratories team has adapted Livermore’s software.llnl.gov website to showcase their own open-source software. Both projects are developed and hosted on GitHub.
Collaborations Open-Source Software Software Engineering Web Technologies

Source: LLNL Computing
IPDPS 2022 event calendar
LLNL participates in the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) on May 30 through June 3.
AI/ML Computational Math Data Science Events HPC Architectures HPC Systems and Software Programming Languages and Models Resource and Workflow Management Storage, File Systems, and I/O
Source: LLNL Computing
CASC team wins best paper at visualization symposium
Winning the best paper award at PacificVis 2022, a research team has developed a resolution-precision-adaptive representation technique that reduces mesh sizes, thereby reducing the memory and storage footprints of large scientific datasets.
AI/ML Awards Computational Math Data Compression Data Movement and Memory Data Science Discrete Mathematics HPC Systems and Software Open-Source Software

Source: LLNL Computing
ISC22 event calendar
LLNL participates in the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC22) on May 29 through June 2.
Compiler Technology Debugging and Correctness Emerging Architectures Events HPC Systems and Software Performance, Portability, and Productivity Programming Languages and Models Resource and Workflow Management Software Build and Installation

Source: LLNL Computing
CASC Newsletter | Vol 11 | December 2021
Highlights include power grid challenges, performance analysis, complex boundary conditions, and a novel multiscale modeling approach.
AI/ML Biology/Biomedicine Computational Math Computational Science Critical Infrastructure Data Science HPC Systems and Software Mathematical Optimization Open-Source Software Performance, Portability, and Productivity Transport UQ and Statistics

Source: LLNL Computing
Kathleen Shoga leads the way for SC21 Student Cluster Competition
With a history of student participation and committee service, LLNL computer scientist Kathleen Shoga chaired this year’s competition.
Cluster Management Events HPC Systems and Software Outreach Students

Source: LLNL Computing
SC21 event calendar
LLNL is participating in the 33rd annual Supercomputing Conference (SC21), which will be held both virtually and in St. Louis on November 14–19, 2021.
Data Science Deep Learning Emerging Architectures Events HPC Systems and Software

Source: LLNL Computing
MFEM team hosts first community workshop
The MFEM software library provides high-order mathematical algorithms for large-scale scientific simulations. An October workshop brought together MFEM’s global user and developer community for the first time.
Computational Math Computational Science Discrete Mathematics Events Exascale Open-Source Software Outreach PDE Methods Software Libraries