LLNL Computing’s ground-breaking research and development activities, innovative technologies, and world-class staff are often featured in various media outlets.

Cerebras components installed in one of the Lassen racks

Source: LLNL Computing

New research in time integration methods recognized at IEEE conference

Can novel mathematical algorithms help scientific simulations leverage hardware designed for machine learning? A team from LLNL’s Center for Applied Scientific Computing aimed to find out.

CogSim/AI/ML Hardware | Computational Math | Emerging Architectures | ODE Methods

WiDS Livermore logo of three women's silhouettes in profile

Source: Data Science Institute

WiDS Livermore returns for two events

The Lab is hosting two related WiDS events: First is a datathon on February 28, then the annual regional conference on March 13. These hybrid events are free and open to everyone.

Data Science | Diversity | Events | Outreach | Students

2024 Best Places to Work text with photo collage of employees

Source: LLNL News

LLNL makes Glassdoor’s 2024 ‘Best Places to Work’ list

The Lab has been honored with a Glassdoor Employees' Choice Award, recognizing the Best Places to Work in 2024. This is the fifth award LLNL has earned in Glassdoor’s award program since its inception in 2009.

Awards | Careers

Thirteen visiting students from Colorado College pose outdoors.

Source: LLNL Computing

Colorado College computer science students spend two immersive weeks at the Lab

Thirteen students traveled to Livermore in early December for a computer science course simulating pond ecology and evolution.

Biology/Biomedicine | Computational Science | Education | Events | Outreach | Students

Top row: two photos of a large building with a spire corrupted by glass blur and shot noise; bottom row: two multicolored rectangles (spectral heatmaps) corresponding to the photos

Source: LLNL Computing

Conference paper illuminates neural image compression

New research reveals subtleties in the performance of neural image compression methods, offering insights toward improving these models for real-world applications.

AI/ML | Computer Vision | Data Compression | Data Science

Konstantinos Parasyris presents his team’s paper in front of the audience

Source: LLNL News

Revolutionary tool speeds up GPU programs for scientific applications

An LLNL-led team has developed a method for optimizing application performance on large-scale GPU systems, providing a useful tool for developers running on GPU-based massively parallel and distributed machines.

HPC Systems and Software

Carol and Judy with SIAM log overlay on green background

Source: LLNL News

LLNL’s Woodward, Hill elected to key SIAM leadership positions

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) announced the election of LLNL computational mathematician Carol Woodward as its president-elect and computational scientist Judy Hill as a council member for the organization.

Careers | Computational Math

LLNL software developer Kristi Belcher discusses a poster with attendees at the SC23 Poster Session

Source: LLNL News

Record-setting SC23 builds mile-high momentum for exascale computing, AI, and the future of HPC

A record number of attendees—more than 14,000—experts, researchers, vendors and enthusiasts in the field of HPC descended on the Mile High City for the 2023 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, colloquially known as SC23.

AI/ML | Data Science | Emerging Architectures | Events | Exascale | HPC Systems and Software

five people onstage at SC23

Source: LLNL News

LLNL’s Doerfert awarded IEEE Computer Society Early Career Researchers Award

Johannes Doerfert, a computer scientist in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing, was one of three researchers awarded the honor at SC23 in Denver.

Awards | HPC Systems and Software

x-ray image showing the interior of a piece of luggage

Source: Data Science Institute

For better CT images, new deep learning tool helps fill in the blanks

LLNL researchers collaborated with Washington University in St. Louis to devise a state-of-the-art ML–based reconstruction tool for when high-quality computed tomography data is in low supply.

AI/ML | Data Science | Deep Learning | Scientific ML

six people onstage at SC23

Source: LLNL News

LLNL-led SCREAM team clinches inaugural Gordon Bell Prize for climate modeling

An LLNL-led effort that performed an unprecedented global climate model simulation on the world’s first exascale supercomputer has won the first-ever Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling, ACM officials announced.

Awards | Climate | Collaborations | Computational Science | Exascale

three people pose with the award

Source: LLNL News

Spack receives prestigious HPCwire award at SC23

Leading HPC publication HPCwire presented Spack developers with the Editor's Choice Award for Best HPC Programming Tool or Technology at SC23.

Awards | HPC Systems and Software | Open-Source Software | Software Build and Installation

9x9 grid of people in video chat

Source: LLNL Computing

Computational math community gathers for annual workshop

The MFEM virtual workshop highlighted the project’s development roadmap and users’ scientific applications. The event also included Q&A, student lightning talks, and a visualization contest.

Computational Math | Computational Science | Discrete Mathematics | Events | Open-Source Software | Outreach | PDE Methods | Software Libraries

two supercomputers on an abstract blue background

Source: LLNL News

New commodity supercomputing clusters deployed at NNSA labs claim Top500 spots

The debut of the NNSA Commodity Technology Systems-2 computing clusters Dane and Bengal on the Top500 List of the world’s most powerful supercomputers brings the total of LLNL-sited systems on the list to 11, the most of any supercomputing center in the world.

HPC Architectures | HPC Systems and Software

five panelists on a stage in front of an audience

Source: LLNL News

Data Days brings DOE labs together for discussions on data management and more

Data researchers, developers, data managers, and program managers from national laboratories visited LLNL to discuss the latest in data management, sharing, and accessibility at the 2023 DOE Data Days (D3) workshop.

Cloud Services | Collaborations | Data Management | Data Science | Events | Information Technology

Bhavya's portrait with the IEEE logo and a blue Earth background

Source: LLNL News

LLNL’s Kailkhura elevated to IEEE senior member

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest technical professional organization, has elevated LLNL staff member Bhavya Kailkhura to the grade of senior member within the organization.

AI/ML | Awards | Careers | Data Science

logo for girls who code national program

Source: LLNL Computing

LLNL continues to expand Girls Who Code outreach

Lawrence Livermore is celebrating nearly a decade of bringing the Girls Who Code program to local middle and high schools. Since standing up the effort in 2016, more than 900 students have participated in the clubs, and the offerings continue to expand.

Careers | Diversity | Education | Outreach | Students

crowd sitting on a lawn

Source: LLNL News

LLNL hosts thousands of enthusiastic explorers for Open House 2023

Nearly 19,000 employees and guests visited LLNL’s Open House 2023 on Oct. 21 and 22: an unprecedented crowd witnessing the Lab’s innovative science and technology up close.

Events | Outreach

a child looks in wonder at a science demo

Source: LLNL News

‘STEM Day at the Lab’ returns

LLNL welcomed more than 145 students from the Bay Area to ‘STEM Day at the Lab’ on October 6. STEM Day is a biannual daylong interactive event focused on STEM activities for students (grades 5-8) from underserved or disadvantaged communities.

Diversity | Outreach

Abstract rendering from a computation looks like a block of entwined multicolor ribbons

Source: Science & Technology Review

S&TR highlight: High performance postdocs

In recent years, the Lab has boosted its recruiting profile even further by offering the prestigious Sidney Fernbach Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Computing Sciences. The fellowship fosters creative partnerships between new and experienced scientists. In short, it ensures an annual cycle that refreshes advanced research in computer sciences at the Lab.

Careers | Computational Math | Computational Science | Data Science

three people install an El Capitan components in the machine room

Source: YouTube

Video: How LLNL’s exascale supercomputer came to be

Over several years, teams have prepared the infrastructure for El Capitan, designing and building the computing facility’s upgrades for power and cooling, installing storage and compute components and connecting everything together. Once all the pieces are in place, the life of El Cap as world-class supercomputer begins.

Emerging Architectures | Exascale | HPC Systems and Software | Multimedia

workflow diagram showing integration of ECP Data and Visualization products

Source: Exascale Computing Project

Alpine/ZFP addresses analysis, visualization, data reduction needs for exascale science applications

The Data and Visualization efforts in the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project provide an ecosystem of capabilities for data management, analysis, lossy compression, and visualization.

Data Compression | Data Movement and Memory | Data Science | HPC Systems and Software | Open-Source Software | Scientific Visualization

Silhouettes of researchers monitoring many screens of data.

Source: LLNL Computing

Robust verification of control system enables NIF software updates

NIF Computing deploys regular updates to its computer control systems to ensure NIF continues to achieve ignition.

Computational Science | Lasers and Optics | Software Engineering | Software Quality Assurance

four people in front of a green background

Source: LLNL News

Making a difference: From interns to LLNL employees

For Lab employees Mariah Martinez and Paige Jones of LLNL Computing, their journeys to the Lab started with an internship. They have continued their work as full-time employees, paving the way for others to make a difference at the Lab.

Careers | Students