Our research projects vary in size, scope, and duration, but they share a focus on developing tools and methods that help LLNL deliver on its missions to the nation and, more broadly, advance the state of the art in scientific HPC. Projects are organized here in three ways: Active projects are those currently funded and regularly updated. Legacy projects are no longer actively developed. The A-Z option sorts all projects alphabetically, both active and legacy.

Active | A-Z | Legacy

Topological Analysis

Charting Data’s Peaks and Valleys

LLNL and University of Utah researchers have developed an advanced, intuitive method for analyzing and visualizing complex data sets.


Speeding Up Commodity Cluster Computing

Researchers are developing a standardized and optimized operating system and software for deployment across Linux clusters to enable HPC at a reduced cost.


An Application-Oriented, User-Level Memory-Mapping Library

UMap uniquely exploits the prominent role of complex memories in today’s servers and offers new capabilities to directly access large memory-mapped datasets.


Managing Heterogeneous Memory Resources

Umpire is a resource management library that allows the discovery, provision, and management of memory on next-generation architectures.


User-Level File System for Supercomputers

This open-source file system framework accelerates hierarchical HPC I/O operations with effective, efficient use of node-local storage.


Vendor-Agnostic Power Management

Collecting variants in low-level hardware features across multiple GPU and CPU architectures.


Virtual Beamline Code

Upgraded with the C++ programming language, VBL provides high-fidelity models and high-resolution calculations of laser performance predictions.


Vlasov Continuum Kinetics

A high-fidelity, specialized code solves partial differential equations for plasma simulations.



Validating Proxy Apps

Veritas provides a method for validating proxy applications to ensure that they capture the intended characteristics of their parents.


Creating Machine Learning Tools to Optimize Design Simulations

This project advances research in physics-informed ML, invests in validated and explainable ML, creates an advanced data environment, builds ML expertise across the complex, and more.



Variable Precision Computing

Researchers develop innovative data representations and algorithms to provide faster, more efficient ways to preserve information encoded in data.


Parallel Time Integration with Multigrid

This project constructs coarse time grids and uses each solution to improve the next finer-scale solution, simultaneously updating a solution guess over the entire space-time domain.


Compressed Floating-Point and Integer Arrays

zfp is an open-source C/C++ library for compressed floating-point and integer arrays that support high throughput read and write random access.