Our research projects vary in size, scope, and duration, but they share a focus on developing tools and methods that help LLNL deliver on its missions to the nation and, more broadly, advance the state of the art in scientific HPC. Projects are organized here in three ways: Active projects are those currently funded and regularly updated. Legacy projects are no longer actively developed. The A-Z option sorts all projects alphabetically, both active and legacy.

Active | A-Z | Legacy

Interconnection Networks

Topology-Aware Task Mapping

LLNL's interconnection networks projects improve the communication and overall performance of parallel applications using interconnect topology-aware task mapping.


Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation

One of the most widely used tactical simulations in the world, JCATS is installed in hundreds of U.S. military and civilian organizations, in NATO, and in more than 30 countries.



Power Measurement

libMSR provides a convenient interface to access Model Specific Registers and to allow tools to utilize their full functionality.


POD-Based Reduced Order Modeling

libROM is a library designed to facilitate Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) based Reduced Order Modeling (ROM).



Migrating Data and Services to the AWS Cloud

The Livermore Information Technology (LivIT) program is the first organization at LLNL to commit to migrating all services and applications to the Amazon Web Services cloud.


Livermore Metagenomics Analysis Toolkit

This genome sequencing technology helps accelerate the comparison of genetic fragments with reference genomes and improve the accuracy of the results as compared to previous technologies.



Locality-Optimizing Caching Algorithms and Layouts

This project's techniques reduce bandwidth requirements for large unstructured data by making use of data compression and optimizing the layout of the data for better locality and cache reuse.


Machine Learning

Strengthening Performance Predictions

LLNL computer scientists use machine learning to model and characterize the performance and ultimately accelerate the development of adaptive applications.


Enterprise Management for macOS Systems

MacPatch provides LLNL with enterprise system management for desktop and laptop computers running Mac OS X.

Maestro Workflow Conductor

Developing Sustainable Computational Workflows

The Maestro Workflow Conductor is a lightweight, open-source Python tool that can launch multi-step software simulation workflows in a clear, concise, consistent, and repeatable manner.


Multiphysics Simulations for the Exascale Era

The MAPP incorporates multiple software packages into one integrated code so that multiphysics simulation codes can perform at scale on present and future supercomputers.

Master Block List

Protecting Against Cyber Threats

Master Block List is a service and data aggregation tool that aids Department of Energy facilities in creating filters and blocks to prevent cyber attacks.

Math for Data Mining

Improved Matrix Factorization Algorithms

Newly developed mathematical techniques reveal important tools for data mining analysis.

Memory-Centric Architectures

Analyzing and Exploiting Heterogeneous Memory Systems

Specialized hardware modules and software libraries to optimize memory access while simultaneously increasing memory capacity for data-intensive applications.


Machine Learning for HPC Workflows

Merlin is an open-source workflow orchestration and coordination tool that makes it easy to build, run, and process large-scale workflows.


Scalable Finite Element Discretization Library

The open-source MFEM library enables application scientists to quickly prototype parallel physics application codes based on PDEs discretized with high-order finite elements.



Tools for MPI 3.0

MPI_T is an interface for tools introduced in the 3.0 version of MPI. The interface provides mechanisms for tools to access and set performance and control variables that are exposed by an MPI…



Nonlinear Solvers and Differential Equations

The NSDE project is focused on research and development of nonlinear solvers and sensitivity analysis techniques for nonlinear, time-dependent, and steady-state partial differential equations.



Fortran ODE Solvers

These Fortran solvers tackle the initial value problem for ODE systems. The collection includes solvers for systems given in both explicit and linearly implicit forms.


Improving File System Efficiency

LC’s adaptation of OpenZFS software provides high performance parallel file systems with better performance and scalability.

Parallel Software Development Tools

R&D for Exascale Architectures

Users need tools that address bottlenecks, work with programming models, provide automatic analysis, and overcome the complexities and changing demands of exascale architectures.


Performance Analysis and Visualization at Exascale

Performance analysis of parallel scientific codes is difficult. The HAC model allows direct comparison of data across domains with data viz and analysis tools available in other domains.


Modeling Complex, Asynchronous Systems

PDES focuses on models that can accurately and effectively simulate California’s large-scale electric grid.



A 'C' library for persistent heap management

PERM is a 'C' library for persistent heap management and is intended for use with a dynamic-memory allocator (e.g. malloc, free).