
A. Vargan, T.M. Stitt, K. Weiss, et al., Matrix-free approaches for GPU acceleration of a high-order finite element hydrodynamics application using MFEM, Umpire, and RAJA, Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., 36(4):492–509, 2022. LLNL-JRNL-829593

A. Abdelfattah, V. Barra, N. Beams, et al., GPU algorithms for efficient exascale discretizations, Parallel Computing, 108:102841, 2021. LLNL-JRNL-816034

Tz. Kolev, P. Fischer, M. Min, et al., Efficient exascale discretizations: High-order finite element methods, Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., 34(6):503–507, 2021. LLNL-JRNL-814059

R. Anderson, V. Dobrev, Tz. Kolev, et al., High-Order Multi-Material ALE Hydrodynamics, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 40(1):B32-B58, 2018. LLNL-JRNL-706339

V. Dobrev, Tz. Kolev, D. Kuzmin,  et al., Sequential limiting in continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Euler equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 356:372-390, 2018. LLNL-JRNL-732041

R. Anderson, V. Dobrev, Tz. Kolev,  et al., High-order local maximum principle preserving (MPP) discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the transport equation, Journal of Computational Physics, 334:102–124, 2017. LLNL-JRNL-684083

V. Dobrev, Tz. Kolev, R. Rieben and V. Tomov, Multi-material closure model for high-order finite element Lagrangian hydrodynamics, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 82(10), pp. 689–706, 2016. LLNL-JRNL-680774

R. Anderson, V. Dobrev, Tz. Kolev and R. Rieben, Monotonicity in High-Order Curvilinear Finite Element ALE Remap, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, (77) 2015, pp. 249-273. LLNL-JRNL-651254

V. Dobrev, Tz. Kolev and R. Rieben, High-Order Curvilinear Finite Elements for Elastic-Plastic Lagrangian Dynamics, Journal of Computational Physics, (257B) 2014, pp. 1062–1080. LLNL-JRNL-567119

V. Dobrev, T. Ellis, Tz. Kolev and R. Rieben, High-Order Curvilinear Finite Elements for Axisymmetric Lagrangian Hydrodynamics, Computers and Fluids, (83) 2013, pp. 58–69. LLNL-JRNL-521372

V. Dobrev, Tz. Kolev and R. Rieben, High-Order Curvilinear Finite Element Methods for Lagrangian Hydrodynamics, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, (34) 2012, pp.B606–B641. LLNL-JRNL-516394

V. Dobrev, T. Ellis, Tz. Kolev and R. Rieben, Curvilinear Finite Elements for Lagrangian Hydrodynamics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, (65) 2011, pp. 1295–1310. LLNL-JRNL-422302

Tz. Kolev and R. Rieben, A Tensor Artificial Viscosity Using a Finite Element Approach, Journal of Computational Physics, (22) 2009, pp. 8336-8366. LLNL-JRNL-409868


V. Tomov, R. Anderson, T. Brunner,  et al., Radiation Hydrodynamics with High-Order Finite Elements in the BLAST Code, MultiMat17, 2017. LLNL-PRES-734705

Tz. Kolev, R. Anderson, T. Brunner,  et al., Scalable High-Order Finite Elements for Compressible Hydrodynamics, BGSIAM15, 2015. LLNL-PRES-680308

T. Dong, V. Dobrev, T. Kolev,  et al., A Step towards Energy Efficient Computing: Redesigning a Hydrodynamic Application on CPU-GPU, IPDPS14, 2014, pp. 972-981. LLNL-CONF-607852

Tz. Kolev, High-Order Curvilinear ALE Hydrodynamics, 6th International Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering, Vienna, Austria, September 10, 2012. LLNL-PRES-579453

R. Rieben, High-Order Curvilinear Finite Elements for Lagrangian Hydrodynamics, Part I: General Framework, International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flows, Arcachon, France, September 5–9, 2011. LLNL-PRES-497394

Tz. Kolev, High-Order Curvilinear Finite Elements for Lagrangian Hydrodynamics, Part II: Axisymmetric Formulation, Parallel Strategy and Numerical Results, International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flows, Arcachon, France, September 5–9, 2011. LLNL-PRES-497395


V. Tomov, R. Anderson, T. Brunner,  et al., High-Order Methods for Multi-Physics Multi-Material ALE in BLAST, LLNL Post-Doc Symposium, September 2015. LLNL-POST-677578

V. Dobrev, I. Karlin, T. Kolev and R. Rieben, Scalable High-Order Multi-Material ALE Simulations, 2015 International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flow (MultiMat15), Dortmund, Germany, September 2015. LLNL-POST-676385

R. Anderson, V. Dobrev, T. Kolev and R. Rieben, Recent Developments in the High-Order Finite Element Hydrodynamics Code BLAST, 2013 International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Fluid Flow (MultiMat13), San Francisco, CA, September 2013. LLNL-POST-643018

V. Tomov, Parallel Mesh Relaxation and Advection Remap for High Order Curvilinear ALE Hydrodynamics, LLNL Summer Student Symposium, 2012. LLNL-POST-570159

A. Long, Hyperviscosity in the BLAST High Order Finite Element Hydrodynamics Code, LLNL Summer Student Symposium, 2012. LLNL-POST-570172

T. Dong, Accelerating the BLAST Code with Hybrid MPI+OpenMP+CUDA Programming on CPU-GPU Clusters, LLNL Summer Student Symposium, 2012. LLNL-POST-571572

Tz. Kolev, High-Order Finite Elements Improve Lagrangian Hydrodynamics Simulations, NNSA Laboratory Research and Development Symposium, Washington D.C., June 9, 2011. LLNL-POST-484783