LLNL participates in the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) on May 30 through June 3.
Topic: HPC Systems and Software
Winning the best paper award at PacificVis 2022, a research team has developed a resolution-precision-adaptive representation technique that reduces mesh sizes, thereby reducing the memory and storage footprints of large scientific datasets.
LLNL participates in the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC22) on May 29 through June 2.
LLNL’s Python 3–based ATS tool provides scientific code teams with automated regression testing across HPC architectures.
The RADIUSS project aims to lower cost and improve agility by encouraging adoption of our core open-source software products for use in institutional applications.
As group leader and application developer in the Global Security Computing Applications Division, Jarom Nelson develops intrusion detection and access control software.
From molecular screening, a software platform, and an online data to the computing systems that power these projects.
The MAPP incorporates multiple software packages into one integrated code so that multiphysics simulation codes can perform at scale on present and future supercomputers.
El Capitan will have a peak performance of more than 2 exaflops—roughly 16 times faster on average than the Sierra system—and is projected to be several times more energy efficient than Sierra.
LC sited two different AI accelerators in 2020: the Cerebras wafer-scale AI engine attached to Lassen; and an AI accelerator from SambaNova Systems into the Corona cluster.
Highlights include power grid challenges, performance analysis, complex boundary conditions, and a novel multiscale modeling approach.
With a history of student participation and committee service, LLNL computer scientist Kathleen Shoga chaired this year’s competition.
LLNL is participating in the 33rd annual Supercomputing Conference (SC21), which will be held both virtually and in St. Louis on November 14–19, 2021.
Each new season brings another hackathon, and Computing’s 2021 summer event took place on August 12–13.
A Livermore-developed programming approach helps software to run on different platforms without major disruption to the source code.
Supported by the Advanced Simulation and Computing program, Axom focuses on developing software infrastructure components that can be shared by HPC apps running on diverse platforms.
LLNL participates in the digital ISC High Performance Conference (ISC21) on June 24 through July 2.
Computer scientist Vanessa Sochat isn’t afraid to meet new experiences head on. With a Stanford PhD and a jump-right-in attitude, she joined LLNL to work on the BUILD project, Spack package manager, and other open-source initiatives.
Computing relies on engineers like Stephanie Brink to keep the legacy codes running smoothly. “You’re only as fast as your slowest processor or your slowest function,” says Brink, who works in CASC. By analyzing a legacy code’s performance, Brink and her team can reduce the amount of time it takes to run and allow for more critical science to be accomplished.
Highlights include scalable deep learning, high-order finite elements, data race detection, and reduced order models.
BUILD tackles the complexities of HPC software integration with dependency compatibility models, binary analysis tools, efficient logic solvers, and configuration optimization techniques.
Our researchers will be well represented at the virtual SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE21) on March 1–5. SIAM is the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics with an international community of more than 14,500 individual members.
Proxy apps serve as specific targets for testing and simulation without the time, effort, and expertise that porting or changing most production codes would require.
Highlights include response to the COVID-19 pandemic, high-order matrix-free algorithms, and managing memory spaces.
The Maestro Workflow Conductor is a lightweight, open-source Python tool that can launch multi-step software simulation workflows in a clear, concise, consistent, and repeatable manner.